Wednesday, April 24th, 2024

Breaking News

Hillary Will Not Endorse Any Dem Candidate, Fueling Speculation She Will Run

Hillary Will Not Endorse Any Dem Candidate, Fueling Speculation She Will Run

Hillary Clinton announced Tuesday night that she will not endorse any of the Democratic candidates, fueling speculation that she may yet enter the race.

During an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Hillary was asked if she had endorsed anyone.

“No,” she responded, “no I’m not going to.”

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Clinton went on to dodge the question of whether she would endorse a candidate if they supported her position of getting rid of the Electoral College.

Despite her catastrophic 2016 campaign, some believe that Hillary is so full of herself that she may actually decide to run for a third time.

During an appearance on Fox Business Network, Steve Bannon said Clinton was trying to find a way to wedge herself into the race.

“They think they have a weak field and they’re – it’s like in chess – they’re prepared to sacrifice a rook to take down a king,” he explained. “They will throw Biden away to get to Trump and hope Elizabeth or I even think Hillary Clinton or Bloomberg or some centrist comes in here.”

“She is running,” added Bannon. “She’s just trying to decide how to fit her way in.”

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