Friday, April 19th, 2024

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Racist? Elijah Cummings Once Called Baltimore “Infested” Just Like Trump

Racist? Elijah Cummings Once Called Baltimore “Infested” Just Like Trump

President Trump has been labeled a racist for using the word “infested” to describe Baltimore’s rat problem, but Elijah Cummings used the exact same word to describe the city back in 1999.

As the video below highlights, CNN slammed Trump for using the word “infested” to describe Baltimore, suggesting that the president was dehumanizing black people.

However, during 1999 testimony, Elijah Cummings referred to his own district as a “drug infested area.

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I guess Elijah Cummings is racist too.

As we previously highlighted, Bernie Sanders also claimed Trump was “attacking” an American city by calling Baltimore rat infested yet Sanders himself repeatedly said the place resembled a “third world country” back in 2015.

Meanwhile, Benny Johnson visited residents in Rep. Cummings district to find out what life is really like there.

Common themes; Rats, trash, crime, corrupt politicians.

Are they all racist too?

Courtesy of Prison Planet


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