Thursday, April 25th, 2024

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Video: Student Leftist Has Violent Hissy Fit Over ‘All Lives Matter’ Sign

Video: Student Leftist Has Violent Hissy Fit Over ‘All Lives Matter’ Sign

A video out of California State University shows a man being assaulted by a leftist who proceeds to have a violent hissy fit over his “All Lives Matter” sign.

The man calmly stands next to the leftist with his handwritten sign, before she almost immediately snatches it from him and goes into a meltdown, screaming, “Get the fuck out of here!”

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The woman then assaults the man before continuing her tirade, claiming he harassed her.

She then accuses him of ‘sacrificing’ her safety before yelling, “fuck you!”

Another clip shows a foul-mouthed student harassing activist Brandon Straka before his camerawoman is called a “dumb ass white bitch.”

Another clips shows the same young woman berating conservatives while a transgender-looking individual wearing pink with ginger hair flips off the camera.

With kids like these, America has such a bright future ahead of it.

Courtesy of Prison Planet


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