Wednesday, May 08th, 2024

Breaking News



In Brooks County, south Texas, people are going to be arrested if they test positive for COVID-19 and refuse to quarantine. Remember, the tests are highly inaccurate, and asymptomatic people don’t spread the coronavirus, according to the WHO. Plus, masks work, right?

Like I’ve said from the beginning, this is not about health or infections or deaths or safety. This about straight-up totalitarian control and a complete takeover and enslavement of humanity. Brooks County, located north of McAllen in South Texas, will begin arresting people who test positive for COVID-19 and do not self-quarantine, according to a report by CBS Austin.

Obviously, this article by CBS and the order to arrest people for not quarantining is done to panic people and keep them in a state of fear-backed compliance with whatever edict the government decides. Apply critical thinking and logic: who is going to arrest these people for not quarantining, especially if they are not sick? Probably the police right? Will the police have masks? The answer is yes because Texas already has a mandatory mask policy courtesy of the tyrannical governor there. If so, and masks are so effective, why bother quarantining?

None of the rules, laws, regulations, and enslavement of humans has been warranted from the get-go. But politicians at all levels disagree. They are the masters, and we are the slaves. There’s no voting our way out of this mess. Look at what this tyrannical judge is using as his excuse to enslave the people of Brooks County:

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KVII reports that Brooks County attorney David Garcia made the announcement after community members notified his office of seeing people who tested positive for the coronavirus at grocery stores and businesses.

“If you’re going to go out and endanger other people, and we find out about it, we will prosecute you,” Garcia told KVII. “People have not really embraced the dangers of COVID-19. It’s dangerous. It’s killing people, and it’s making people very sick. So either do it because you’re concerned about others or do it because you’re going to be punished if you don’t.” CBS Austin

No, people haven’t “embraced the dangers of COVID-19” because the majority of us know it’s a scam. It’s a hoax. It’s being done to control the public, and when the tests are wrong half the time, it’s hard to put any faith in the case numbers. We know the death toll is being amped up to make it look worse than it is. Still, even then, by the government’s own inflated and fabricated numbers, there is no more of a danger with COIVD-19 than there is with a bad flu season.

Lockdowns Were a SCAM! Asymptomatic Carriers Don’t Spread COVID-19

Garcia is using the threat of violence to keep everyone from disobeying, this tyranny is the very reason so many people have already been killed in history. Appeal to cops and the military as much as you can to get them to see exactly what they are enforcing. If you cannot, they should know they will go down in history in the same manner as the Nazis. Hitler could not have killed as many people as he did without people willing to follow his orders.

If no one obeys, there are no orders. There are no masters, and there are no slaves. Wake up. This is a full-blown dictatorship and they were able to pull it off in a matter of months.

Courtesy of


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