Saturday, May 04th, 2024

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Fake News: FOX News Has Moved to the Dark Side, Claims 42% of Americans FAVOR Impeaching Trump

Fake News: FOX News Has Moved to the Dark Side, Claims 42% of Americans FAVOR Impeaching Trump

Is it any wonder so many Americans are totally checking out on the news?

It is important to note that polls are easily rigged these days.

I can buy lists, with telephone numbers, of voters and know who they likely voted for BEFORE I call them.

So if a network like FOX wants to rig a poll, it is very easily accomplished.

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Here’s an excerpt from their latest poll.

You can see all of the latest FOX poll results HERE.

Do you believe the above numbers?

I don’t believe them at all.

Not one bit.

What FOX News has apparently done is called upon only the most hardcore liberals and Republicans who voted against Trump to get those results.

I doubt many actual Trump voters participated in this survey.

FOX has turned to the dark side.

The Democrats can’t even rally impeachment support within their own party for goodness sake.


Because they are afraid that voters will turn against them if they do.

Still Mediaite found this poll, with their top-notch journalism (I’m joking), and published this take:

As Democrats inch slightly closer to impeaching President Donald Trump, a new Fox News poll shows that Americans who impose impeachment are distinctly in the minority. Trump lashed out at Fox News’ head-to-head poll with Joe Biden this week, but he may have missed the most worrisome result.

While Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi still appears reluctant to dive into the impeachment pool, and the House Judiciary Committee limbers up on the diving board, a new Fox News poll shows that while support for impeachment has ticked down slightly, opposition to an impeachment inquiry has gone down to just 45 percent.

In June, that poll showed 50 percent of Americans favored beginning an impeachment inquiry, including 7 percent who said Trump should be impeached but not removed as president. In July, 47 percent said he should be impeached, including 5 percent who said Trump should be impeached and not removed.

But the theory of political risk in impeaching Trump relies on the notion that the public would strongly oppose such an action, and according to this same poll, that opposition is squarely in the minority.

Read the rest of this crackpot crackpipe journalism…


Mediaite occasionally has some good takes, but for them to buy in to the lie that almost half of the country wants Trump impeached, is disappointing.

If you believe that anywhere near 42% of Americans support the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump then maybe these pictures will change your mind.

July 4th crowd, the left-wing media predicted a small crowd due to weather. The left-wing media can not be trusted.

According to Real Clear Politics, as of yesterday, Joe Biden is still the Democrat front runner.

So let’s compare stops in Nevada for Trump and Biden…

Actually that stop was in late 2018 which may not be fair.

Since then Trump has reportedly climbed in the polls and Biden has reportedly fallen.

Here’s a more recent report from Nevada.

Nevada is a very good state to pick and here’s why… Clinton won Nevada in 2016.

Nevada is just one state of 50, but did you read the news last week that Trump was raising more money than most Democrat Candidates in CALIFORNIA?

You can’t believe a damn thing you read, see, or hear from any of the establishment media anymore.

We all regret that FOX, the one big network we used to trust, has made that move to the dark side.

We must acknowledge and approach this election with open eyes, because it’s not just social media but all media we are fighting.

Are we to believe nearly every single Democrat voter is for impeaching President Trump?

Because these numbers tend to make that case.

I call Bull $hit on Faux News.


Dean Garrison is the Publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry

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