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BOMBSHELL: Google insider “I saw something dark and nefarious going on” inside tech giant’s plans to “overthrow the United States”

BOMBSHELL: Google insider “I saw something dark and nefarious going on” inside tech giant’s plans to “overthrow the United States”

(Natural News) Yet another Google insider has come forward with bombshell information regarding the tech giant’s plans to hijack the 2020 elections, but not simply with the intent of getting rid of President Trump, with the objective of getting rid of our form of government altogether.

As incredulous as that sounds, Zachary Vorhies says otherwise. He’s seen the evidence.

The Google insider has provided more than 950 documents to Project Veritas, one of the few true investigative journalism organizations left in America, noting that he came forward because he “saw something dark and nefarious going on with the company, and I realized that they were not only going to tamper with the elections, but use that tampering with the elections to essentially overthrow the United States.”


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As Breitbart News reported, Project Veritas’ latest report, citing Vorhies and the documents he has provided, details the tech giant’s plans, which include nothing less than a treasonous plan to replace our current government, and not by acceptable means.

“I had been collecting the documents for over a year,” Vorhies said.

His disturbing revelations come following a Project Veritas report in June citing another Google insider, Dr. Greg Coppola, a computer science Ph.D. who said that without a doubt, algorithms have been manipulated purposefully to ensure that people get mostly negative stuff about President Trump in the Google News feed. (Related: Project Veritas bombshell: Google engaged in massive censorship effort to prevent “repeat” of 2016 when Trump won the presidency.)

Breitbart News reported further:

The documents provided by Vorhies contain a number of files of concern for conservatives, one of which is called “news black list site for Google Now” which Vorhies alleges is a “blacklist” that restricts certain websites from appearing on news feeds for some Android Google products.

The list includes a number of both conservative and leftist websites including newsbusters.org and mediamatters.org. The document states that some sites are added to the list because of a “high user block rate.”

This is a blatant act of treason

Vorhies said he hopes that more Google employees will quickly come forward to help expose the obvious bias and the treachery behind the company’s plans to steal the election and steal our democracy.

“My message to those that are on the fence is I released the documents. They can go in, they can see everything that Google is doing and then they can see the scale of it,” he told Project Veritas.

“Because I think that there’s a lot of engineers that have a hint that things are wrong, but they don’t understand the colossal scale that it’s at. And so for those people, I say, look at the documents, take the pulse of America, see what’s happening and come and tell the world you know what you already know to be true,” he added.

Coppola, meanwhile, told Project Veritas he’s very certain of what he says about Google’s manipulative tactics — in its search function and Google News feed — because he’s an expert.

“I’ve been coding since I was ten [years old.] I have a Ph.D., I have five years’ experience at Google and I just know how algorithms are,” Coppola noted. “They don’t write themselves. We write them to do what want them to do.”

And he also sounded the alarm that our democracy is in danger from a tech company that is partnering with a potential adversary, China, to develop artificial intelligence for military applications, because it has grown far too large and powerful.

“I think we’re just at a really important point in human history. I think for a while we had tech that was politically neutral. Now we have tech that really, first of all, is taking sides in a political contest, which I think, you know, anytime you have big corporate power merging with political parties can be dangerous,” he said. “And I think more generally we have to just decide now that we kind of are seeing tech use its power to manipulate people. It’s a time to decide, you know, do we run the technology, does the technology run us?”

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