Friday, May 03rd, 2024

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Run silent, run deep—cloaking the Chinese migrant movement in America

Run silent, run deep—cloaking the Chinese migrant movement in America


While other minorities clamor for attention, the six million Chinese living in the United States remain suspiciously quiet. Isn’t there anything to complain about…inequality in education or business…social grievances…police brutality…general bigotry…racism…hate crimes… nothing? Really?

Color me suspicious, but I don’t buy it! While I’m sure there have been individual concerns expressed by Chinese residents on all of the above topics, we don’t see any large, angry group protests from organizations like La Raza or Black Lives Matter. No Chinese flags waving behind an angry mob. There are no demands for reparations for the families of untold thousands of Chinese workers who were smuggled in and abused by railroad and mining companies in the nineteenth century.

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It’s almost like the Chinese aren’t here at all—or don’t want to draw too much attention. If we did focus on this group, what might we find?

One tidbit that sticks out is the fact they have doubled their population in the last twenty years, and that doesn’t count the ones who have infiltrated our borders illegally. Their population increases are a result of immigration more than births. The birth rate of Chinese in America (1.6 per female) is the lowest of all racial groups, including whites.

Maybe it’s their impact on our education system they’re hiding.

Thanks to President Obama, Chinese students have engulfed our universities since 2008, going from eighty-one thousand (81,000) to three hundred and twenty-eight thousand (328,000) in 2016. During Obama’s two terms, the US Chinese population doubled, mostly as a result of immigration.

No cultural problem with cheating

A large, but unknown number of mainland Chinese students cheat the admission system when family members pay anywhere from four to forty-thousand dollars to hire ghostwriters to fill out university admission applications for them. How many university slots does that take away from honest US students? It’s easy to understand why the Chinese are so intent on having their citizens educated in the US, but why was it such a priority for the Obama administration?

Chinese money. Silent investors

Chinese Investments in US communities, states and even the federal government amount to leverage over those government leaders. I doubt that residents of these political entities are even aware their leaders have sold out to the Chinese. How much did they get, and what was promised in return? In addition to investments in government entities, the Chinese invest billions in natural resources and businesses in the US.

Thanks to the sweetheart trade deals begun with Clinton and carried forward through Bush and Obama, by 2016 the Chinese were so flush with cash they were able to purchase 46 billion dollars’ worth of interest in US assets. President Trump’s trade war and tariffs have dropped that number to 5.4 billion last year (2018). That’s still a lot of influence.

Who to trust

All too often we hear of a Chinese citizen on a work visa being arrested for corporate or military espionage. It seems our government gives out security clearances to immigrants like candy. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese students graduate from our universities and join our workforce; where do their loyalties lie?


Buying political influence on the QT

Former Clinton administration money bundler, Ng Lap Seng, was arrested for lying about why he brought $4.5 million in cash into the United States over a two-year period. As a side note, prior to the 2012 election, President Obama accepted over twenty-million dollars in illegal foreign contributions, half from Asia.

Exactly how much, and where the tens of millions of dollars in Chinese money enters our political system is unknown, but we do know they attempt to purchase influence. Based on past trade deals and approved investment agreements, I’d say they were getting their money’s worth.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao, have their own China connection. Trump-appointed Chao as Secretary of Transportation yet her family’s finances and business interests are intertwined with Communist China. With former Vice President Biden in the spotlight, his son’s ties to communist China have been uncovered, as well as Uncle Joe’s quid pro quos.

Run silent, run deep

This title of a 1958 Clark Gable, Burt Lancaster submarine movie provides an excellent expression to describe China’s stealth encroachment into our nation. Maybe that’s why they, as a group keep such a low profile.

David Brockett is a former Vietnam veteran, USMC officer and pilot. As a civilian, he has worked in healthcare as a counselor and hospital administrator. He also writes articles on politics and current events. He and his wife divide their time between their home state of Texas, and Idaho. In the 1990s they homeschooled their two youngest sons, believing the public education system to be corrupted by liberal influences.

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