Wednesday, May 08th, 2024

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Obamas say F*CK climate change and buy waterfront mansion

Obamas say F*CK climate change and buy waterfront mansion

Maybe Barack knows something that us plebes don’t know, about Global Climate Warming Change?

In a move that should surprise EVERYONE that has been listening to the constant warnings by leftists, of the dire consequences related to Global Climate Warming Change, Barack and Michael Obama, INVESTED up to $14.8 million in a 6,892 sq ft MANSION… ON AN ISLAND… IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN!

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Situated at an average of only 16ft above sea level, and 200 ft from water, a mere half mile from the OCEAN, Barack said, “To hell with Climate Change!”

Last year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated emphatically, that to keep the rise in global temperatures below 1.5C this century, emissions of carbon dioxide would have to be cut by 45% by 2030.

It’s funny how everything important ends on a decadal year, 2010, 2020, 2030. I wonder how natural disasters plan ahead of time to unleash their fury only on years that end in a ZERO.

“The climate math is brutally clear: While the world can’t be healed within the next few years, it may be fatally wounded by negligence until 2020,” said Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, founder and now director emeritus of the Potsdam Climate Institute.

“I am firmly of the view that the next 18 months will decide our ability to keep climate change to survivable levels and to restore nature to the equilibrium we need for our survival,” said Prince Charles, speaking at a reception for Commonwealth foreign ministers recently.

12 years… 18 months… I can see where Barack got confused.

A big concern for the future is the giant ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. If all the ice in Greenland melted, it would raise sea levels by 7m.

Melting ice is bad! I really hate it when my iced tea overflows when all the ice in the glass melts. Don’t you?

Ahh, I’m starting to see a connection here. That must be why POTUS Trump wants to buy Greenland. So he can hasten the melting of the ice to flood out all of his enemies.

Hmmm, why ARE all of his enemies on waterfront property? Certainly they have read the reports about the rising tides, and deadlier storms as a result of GCWC, haven’t they?

The estate, currently owned by Celtics co-owner Wyc Grousbeck, who has been trying to dump the place since 2015 — and before the recession hits — when he listed it for close to double its escrow price, at $22.5 million. It was being rented by the Obamas this August.

This won’t be the Obamas first Mansion, as they currently own an $8.2 million mansion in the Kalorama neighborhood of D.C., which they bought in 2017. It’s amazing how much money they saved up from Barack’s time as President! What a couple of Penny Pinchers!

It is 29 beachfront acres. It has 7 bedrooms and 8.5 bathrooms, a pool, a chef’s kitchen, vaulted ceilings and 2 guest wings so the Secret Service have a place to crash. The beachfront is private and has a dock and boathouse.

The custom-designed house is located at the end of a long private driveway, and has hardwood floors and more windows than walls. It’s also VERY white inside. VERY WHITE.

Those white walls are absolutely going to be RUINED the first time the Global Warming floods hit. Oh well, I’m sure that some unsuspecting insurance company will take the hit and not a drop of change will come out of the Obama’s hard earned savings.

More Climate Alarmist News:

About the Author:

DarkStar (obvious pseudonym) has been an active humanitarian for the past decade, running a charity dedicated to helping the mentally challenged overcome life obstacles.

DarkStar left the corporate digital world working for Google and Chicago Tribune to seek more philanthropic pursuits, after becoming tired of helping the “elites” become richer while people were suffering.

With a degree in Computer Engineering and a background in Physics, DarkStar created and patented an Artificial Intelligence to take the place of mental health professionals and services, to help the mentally ill navigate their daily life.

An avid inventor, DarkStar hopes someday to connect with a similarly minded Angel Investor to create a company that can expand to help many more people around the world.

✌️ ɹɐʇsʞɹɐp



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