Sunday, May 05th, 2024

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Michigan: Mandatory Taxpayer-Funded Islamic Indoctrination Courses For Teachers Exposed By Law Center’s FOIA Request

Michigan: Mandatory Taxpayer-Funded Islamic Indoctrination Courses For Teachers Exposed By Law Center’s FOIA Request

No one should be surprised at this. Devout Islamists are becoming more emboldened as Christians stand down in the face of the enemy. The most recent exposure of this is in the state of Michigan where a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) uncovered a massive taxpayer-funded Islamic propaganda campaign targeting teachers for mandatory indoctrination.

TMLC provided a special investigative report on their website concerning their findings.

A FOIA request for documents related to a two-day mandatory teacher-training seminar on Islami that was conducted by a Muslim consultant, Huda Essa, who was hired by Michigan’s Novi Community Schools District was sparked by concerns from TMLC.

“We found that the teachers were subjected to two days of Islamic propaganda, where Islam was glorified, Christianity disparaged, and America bashed—all funded by Novi taxpayers,” commented Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Law Center, on the results of the investigation.

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According to Thompson, there wasn’t one teacher out of 400 who attended that challenged Essa’s disparaging remarks of Christianity, the very foundations of America.

TMLC reported:

TMLC inspected dozens of internal school documents, including audio recordings of Essa’s presentation.

The information on Islam she provided to Novi teachers was riddled with falsehoods and errors of omission that were clearly meant to deceive.

Essa provided no truthful information on Sharia law and jihad, two of the most important aspects of Islam. All references to terrorism were dismissed as having nothing to do with Islam. White Christian males, she suggested, are more dangerous than Islamic radicals.

Essa is the face behind Culture Links LLC, a Michigan-based consultancy. She describes herself on the Culture Links websiteas an advocate of social justice who encourages children to “take pride in their many identities.”

But, as TMLC discovered from the Novi documents, the one identity Essa does not celebrate is that of patriotic Americans who believe in our nation’s exceptionalism.

And her message extends far beyond Novi.

Essa’s client list reveals she has been spreading her “trash America first” philosophy to colleges, universities, schools and professional educator associations throughout Michigan, California, Georgia, Texas, Florida and beyond. In Michigan alone her website lists nine school districts as clients – Oakland County Schools, Ann Arbor Schools, L’Anse Creuse Public Schools, Plymouth-Canton Community Schools, Roseville Community Schools, Farmington Public Schools, Dearborn Public Schools, Birmingham Public Schools and Melvindale Public Schools.

Under the banner of promoting diversity, inclusion and a multicultural approach to education, Essa sets about comparing Islam to Christianity, calling them “mostly similar.” The one big difference, she claims, is that Islam is the world’s “only purely monotheistic religion.”

Islam’s holy book, the Koran, came straight from Allah to the prophet Muhammad and, unlike the Jewish and Christian scriptures, has never been altered or changed, she told the Novi teachers. Significantly, the Koran commands Muslims to “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.” (Koran 9:5)

Her message was clear: The Koran is superior to the Bible. But she did not address the fact that it calls for the extermination of Christian and Jews.

While quick to indict America as guilty of “cultural genocide,” Essa was silent on the 1400 years of actual genocides, also known as jihads, in which Muslims wiped out Jewish tribes on the Arabian Peninsula, and slaughtered millions of Christians throughout the Middle East, North Africa and the European Continent. Referring to Islam, Winston Churchill wrote, “No stronger retrograde force exists in the worLD.”

See what you get America when you let a bunch of antichrists in the country and don’t give them the Christ? See what happens when you allow them to publicly hold worship? See what happens when you remain silent in the face of those who promote other gods inside our country? You get this, and it’s going to get worse, much worse (Deut 28; Leviticus 26; Revelation). Much, much worse because we have been a disobedient people and God will not be mocked.

“This type of infiltration amounts to an Islamic Trojan horse within our public-school systems,” Thompson said. “No other religion gets this kind of special treatment in our schools.”

The lies, propaganda and downright indoctrination the Essa should be beaten down.

Why are the people of Michigan ok with their tax dollars being spent like this? Why are Christians in Michigan ok with their tax dollars going to give voice to the enemy of King Jesus? Why are they silent?

I’ll tell you why: They have become cowards. They have lost their way. They have failed to know the Christ, the true and living Christ who gave Himself to save sinners. They have formed a “christ” in their own image after their own lusts and thus have become idolators, but rest assured, your sins will find you out (Numbers 23:32), and they are Michigan.

Courtesy of The Washington Standard

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