Sunday, May 05th, 2024

Breaking News

ALERT: Boston Police TROLL Antifa Crowd at Straight Pride Parade – What They Did Will Make You PROUD

ALERT: Boston Police TROLL Antifa Crowd at Straight Pride Parade – What They Did Will Make You PROUD

What do you get when you mix Antifa loud mouths, a heterosexual pride parade and Boston Cops?

You are going to have to watch this and see for yourself.

Here’s Gary with the video report:

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Here’s more from The Gateway Pundit:

On Saturday marchers and protesters gathered in Boston for a “Straight Pride” march.

Grand Marshall Milo Yiannopoulos was led the marchers from Copley Square to City Hall.

Hundreds of Antifa domestic terrorists gathered to disrupt the event. At least 36 far left protesters were arrested for violence.

The Boston Police trolled the Antifa goons on the sidelines of the march.

The police blared their sirens so the Antifa mob could not chant and disrupt the marchers.



Thank You Boston’s Finest!

It was a tough fight just to get this parade to happen.

Why is it that Antifa feels they have to protest everything now?

These were not gay men and women lined up in protest.

NO, it was more Antifa thugs looking to start trouble.

I don’t know who funds Antifa but if anyone is so thick-headed that they do not see this group as the controlled resistance that they are…

…well keep voting for Democrats you thick-headed numskulls.

You watch that Antifa-Terrorist Bill.

Watch who tries to block it as it advances.

We had Antifa when I was in college (30 years ago) but they were a bit more peaceful, didn’t wear masks and called themselves The College Democrats of America.

Dean Garrison is The Publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry

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