Thursday, May 02nd, 2024

Breaking News

Read the weak words of a weak CEO – Statement from Walmart selling out to the Looney Leftists

Read the weak words of a weak CEO – Statement from Walmart selling out to the Looney Leftists

Doug McMillon is a pathetic and weak person. So pathetic, I bet his wife is disgusted with him, and his two boys must be embarrassed to admit he is their father.

If this pitiful person was around 245 years ago, there is a good chance you would have a British accent and be taking afternoon tea, wondering what Queen Mum is up to.

This country would not be the amazing Republic that we have today, if miserable, contemptible turncoats like McMillion existed when we were carving out the Constitution.

If you are wondering why I have such a strongly negative opinion of this — I can’t even call him a human, because humans are vertebrates, which means they have spines — despicable corporate shill, you might have missed the news from Walmart HQ, declaring “Open Carrying 2nd Amendment Patriots” are no longer welcome in Walmart stores.

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The VERY SAME Patriots that have stood by Walmart, every time people put them down and trash-talked them. The same ones that have been Guardian Angels of the big box stores.


Why? To appease the communist leftists. Leftists that turn their noses up at even considering shopping at Walmart. The leftists that sneer at the DEPLORABLES that shop there weekly. Soyboys and single liberal moms. Neckbeards and Furries. PANTIFA and #%&*@! Leftists whom are not patrons of Walmart and thus, its none of their business what happens in a Walmart.

McMillion the Weak, caved to Leftists, whom are NOT his customers, and has SHUNNED, Patriots, that are.

I will be surprised if he still has his position at Walmart in 15 months.

Joining the piteous McMillion in banishing patriots from their stores, are Walgreens, Wegmans, CVS and Kroger/Fry’s. Their unified whiny feeble voices decrying the “fear” and “anxiety” that their “customers” claim to have, just by “seeing” a weapon on someone’s hip.

I feel like I need to take an antacid just thinking of how miserable and wretched these complainers are. Really, the bile is just bubbling up from my gut. What has this country turned into? Strong people used to decide what happened in this country, not worthless people.

I guess we will see if the 20 or so complainers will make enough purchases to offset THE THOUSANDS OF PATRIOTS THAT ARE BOYCOTTING WALMART NOW.

I hope that as a result, a renaissance of Mom & Pop stores will come back to life.


Before we get to McMillion’s pathetically pandering words below, I just want to add something about the Lamestream Media’s #fakenews take on WHY Walmart did what they did.

“News” outlets such as SLATE and some place I never heard of before until it popped up on my news alert for “Dmitriy Andreychenko”, are putting the blame SQUARE on Andreychenko’s shoulders for the open carry ban.

“Walmart open-banned banned by gun enthusiast Dmitriy Andreychenko, not activists.”

“The Guy Who Open-Carried an Assault Rifle Into Walmart After El Paso Is America’s Best Gun Control Activist”

Are the two headlines I read in the past couple days. Directly blaming Andreychenko for the ban.

Look you leftards. That’s not how ANY OF THIS WORKS.


It’s you whiny, not-in-touch-with-reality leftists that caused this. THAT IS IT.

If you want to blame anyone, blame Obama and the disaster of an economy that he left us with. If Obama hadn’t helped destroy the family unit, send our jobs overseas, and gut the middle class, you stupid leftists could still buy food at Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, and leave us patriots the hell alone.

But face it, even though you leftists make fun of the deplorables, as “The people of Walmart”… YOU are shopping there now, because you can’t afford to shop elsewhere. And it is YOU, the pathetic, scared at your own shadow, left, that sees a firearm, and freaks the f*ck out. Not one single patriot complained to Walmart.


Ok, I just had to add that, because I can already see how this trend in my news alerts is going to go this coming week.

Follows are the “Virtue Signalling” words of a worthless leader.

Dear Associates,

A month ago, in El Paso, Texas, a gunman with an assault-style rifle launched a hate-filled attack in our store, shooting 48 people resulting in the loss of 22 innocent lives. Just a few days prior, two of our associates were killed by another associate in our store in Southaven, Mississippi. And hours after the shooting in El Paso, our country experienced another mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio. This weekend brought tragedy to Midland and Odessa, Texas.

Our immediate priorities were supporting our associates and the impacted families and cooperating with law enforcement. In parallel, we have been focused on store safety and security. We’ve also been listening to a lot of people inside and outside our company as we think about the role we can play in helping to make the country safer. It’s clear to us that the status quo is unacceptable.

After visiting El Paso on August 6th, I mentioned that we would be thoughtful and deliberate in our responses. We’re ready to share our next steps.

• After selling through our current inventory commitments, we will discontinue sales of short-barrel rifle ammunition such as the .223 caliber and 5.56 caliber that, while commonly used in some hunting rifles, can also be used in large capacity clips on military-style weapons;


• We will sell through and discontinue handgun ammunition; and
• We will also discontinue handgun sales in Alaska, marking our complete exit from handguns.

We know these decisions will inconvenience some of our customers, and we hope they will understand. Our remaining assortment will be even more focused on the needs of hunting and sport shooting enthusiasts. It will include long barrel deer rifles and shotguns, much of the ammunition they require, as well as hunting and sporting accessories and apparel.

There have been multiple incidents since El Paso where individuals attempting to make a statement and test our response have entered our stores carrying weapons in a way that frightened or concerned our associates and customers. We have also had well-intentioned customers acting lawfully that have inadvertently caused a store to be evacuated and local law enforcement to be called to respond. These incidents are concerning and we would like to avoid them, so we are respectfully requesting that customers no longer openly carry firearms into our stores or Sam’s Clubs in states where “open carry” is permitted – unless they are authorized law enforcement officers. We hope that everyone will understand the circumstances that led to this new policy and will respect the concerns of their fellow shoppers and our associates. As it relates to concealed carry by customers with permits, there is no change to our policy or approach.

This morning, we briefed your leadership team on how to communicate this change in policy to customers when needed and they will be sharing that with you very soon. We will treat law-abiding customers with respect, and we will have a very non-confrontational approach. Our priority is your safety. We will be providing new signage to help communicate this policy in the coming weeks.

Finally, we encourage our nation’s leaders to move forward and strengthen background checks and to remove weapons from those who have been determined to pose an imminent danger. We do not sell military-style rifles, and we believe the reauthorization of the Assault Weapons ban should be debated to determine its effectiveness. We must also do more, as a country, to understand the root causes that lead to this type of violent behavior. Today, I’m sending letters to the White House and the Congressional leadership that call for action on these common sense measures. As we’ve seen before, these horrific events occur and then the spotlight fades. We should not allow that to happen. Congress and the administration should act. Given our decades of experience selling firearms, we are also offering to serve as a resource in the national debate on responsible gun sales.

We have a long heritage as a company of serving responsible hunters and sportsmen and women and we’re going to continue doing so. Our founder Sam Walton was an avid outdoorsman who had a passion for quail hunting, and we’re headquartered in a state known for its duck hunting and deer hunting. My family raised bird dogs when I was growing up in Jonesboro, Arkansas, and I’m a gun owner myself. We understand that heritage, our deeply rooted place in America and our influence as the world’s largest retailer. And we understand the responsibility that comes with it. We want what’s best for our customers, our associates and our communities. In a complex situation lacking a simple solution, we are trying to take constructive steps to reduce the risk that events like these will happen again. The status quo is unacceptable.

Here are a “few” reasons why I oppose this B.S.

About the Author:

DarkStar (obvious pseudonym) has been an active humanitarian for the past decade, running a charity dedicated to helping the mentally challenged overcome life obstacles.

DarkStar left the corporate digital world working for Google and Chicago Tribune to seek more philanthropic pursuits, after becoming tired of helping the “elites” become richer while people were suffering.

With a degree in Computer Engineering and a background in Physics, DarkStar created and patented an Artificial Intelligence to take the place of mental health professionals and services, to help the mentally ill navigate their daily life.

An avid inventor, DarkStar hopes someday to connect with a similarly minded Angel Investor to create a company that can expand to help many more people around the world.

✌️ ɹɐʇsʞɹɐp



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