Monday, May 06th, 2024

Breaking News

The HUGE hole in the Ukraine Impeachment argument

The HUGE hole in the Ukraine Impeachment argument

Here we go again

According to the Democrat and Neo-con Greek Chorus chanting “Impeach, Impeach, Impeach!” the President has committed a crime by asking the Ukraine President to look into the firing of Chief Investigator Shokin at then-Vice President Biden’s insistence. Shokin was in the midst of an investigation into natural gas firm Burisma Holdings and their questionable relationship with Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son. Daddy Joe opened himself up for speculation of corruption and interference in a foreign nation’s business when he pressured the Ukraine government into firing the chief investigator.

The SWAMP’s entire argument falls on one notion, that the President of the United States is legally hamstrung from requesting assistance from a foreign government (Ukraine) in following up on a potential crime committed by someone who MIGHT be running against him in a political election. That would cover about ten people right now.

Let’s parse this out

Then-Vice President Joe Biden, representing President Obama and the State Department, was recorded bragging about threatening to withhold US aid from the Ukrainian government if they didn’t fire the chief prosecutor. Biden-the-elder leveraged one billion American tax dollars already pledged to the Ukrainian government, to take the heat off his son—Ukraine then folded and fired Shokin.

At some point, President Trump was made aware of the former V.P.’s unscrupulous actions and asked for more information from the Ukrainian Head of State. As President and Chief Executive, it was essential for Trump to assure the Ukrainian government that America was not in the business of strong-arming foreign leaders in order to protect family members of public officials. Nor do we change the conditions involving pledged aid, based upon personal favors.

Our global reputation and credibility were at stake

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In order for Trump’s State Department to have any credibility in their future dealings with Ukraine or any other nation, it was paramount to demonstrate that US political leaders would be held accountable for their actions, no matter how high their office. Additionally, the Ukrainians needed to be assured that money pledged by the US President would be delivered without additional conditions.

President Trump was not acting to benefit himself politically

This is the most outrageous charge of all. As President of the United States, Trump was acting on behalf of the American people and the US government, not himself when he reached out. Ukraine is an important ally, and trust moving forward is essential. Biden’s third-world shake-down tactics were a stain on the integrity of the United States and the credibility of the Department of State. This stain had to be removed.

Joe (the candidate) Biden is NOT running against President Trump at this time.

Biden has not clinched the nomination and he does not enjoy any special privileges. Even if he becomes the Democrat nominee, he is not immune to investigation and possible prosecution for past deeds, nor is his son.

The statists are willing to burn down the country

With a weak field of candidates running against a popular and successful sitting president, the SWAMP is churning. There is absolutely NO way either Biden or Warren have an ice cube’s chance in hell of winning in 2020 UNLESS they can take Trump out, or cripple him. In order to get this president out of office, the anti-Trumpers of both parties will have to torch the constitution and try to win over the hearts and minds of Americans by dragging President Trump into a kangaroo court.

The really bad news

If the globalist-political consortium is this desperate—desperate enough to risk a bloody national uprising in order to get Trump out of the White House—something really horrible is afoot. With everyone so distracted by ongoing political hijinks and shenanigans, who knows what has really been going on behind the curtain, or why leaders from both parties are so desperate to seize control of the White House from a duly elected president.

David Brockett is a Vietnam veteran, former USMC pilot. Following his time in the military, he worked in healthcare as a counselor and hospital administrator. He also writes articles on politics, religion, gun-rights, and current events. In his free time, he and his wife volunteer at the local food bank, and with veterans organizations. They divide their time between their home state of Texas, and Idaho.

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