Saturday, May 04th, 2024

Breaking News

Liberal logic: We’re all gonna die within 7 years, so it’s okay to molest children and murder babies

Liberal logic: We’re all gonna die within 7 years, so it’s okay to molest children and murder babies

(Natural News) Last week, thousands of schoolchildren, presumably eager to skip classes for any reason at all, decided to play hooky as part of a contrived and orchestrated globalist attempt at implementing the “climate change” agenda through youth activism.

With puppet strings that trace back to none other than billionaire financier George Soros, underage climate activists like Greta Thunberg are going around screaming about how the world is supposedly ending in 12 years – or possibly seven years, according to some kids.

In the below video footage, one adult woman actually states that she believes the world is going to end in four or five years due to climate change, which is why her personal mission involves evangelizing the next generation into a lifestyle of veganism.

Watch below as our future leaders (God forbid…) parade around their ignorance in response to the climate change propaganda that’s being force-fed to them via their teachers, social media, and other leftist influences.

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“If you’re in Detroit, where it does not get very warm, you know the seasons are … I would say you have 100 to 200 years left,” one woman hilariously told a reporter during a climate march after being asked how much longer the world has before it collapses due to climate change.

“If you live in Canada, like, you um, you might have 300 years left. But if you live in Florida or Austin or California or Mexico in general – any … then you are going to …. any place near the equator, both side of the equator, then you are going to suffer,” she added, bumbling through the rest of her response.

For more related news about the leftist climate agenda, be sure to check out

Climate propaganda is rapidly accelerating the idiocy among today’s youth

Even as the same leftists who are pushing climate propaganda demand that adults be allowed to sexualize children – that is, if these children even make it out of the womb in the first place, seeing as how leftists worship abortion – the message they’re trying to send is one of fear about children’s futures due to climate change.

Again, watch the above video to hear what the youth of today believe about our world, mainly how they’ve been hoodwinked into believing that it’s all going to end in about a decade due to cow flatulence, SUVs, and people eating meat rather than “plant-based” foods.

“Already there are people dying from the results of climate change around the world,” another young girl who was interviewed tries to explain in an attempt to sound smart and informed on the subject.

“And I think that if the patterns continue that it’s totally plausible that in 10 or 12 years that that could just be something that’s, like, a mass killer of people,” she added.

These kids are all just parroting climate propagandists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Beto Francis O’Rourke, it turns out – these two being among the high-ranking “priests” and “priestesses” in the religion of climate change whose job it is to subvert common sense and rudimentary science in exchange for endless climate lies aimed that aim to globalize primarily the West.

It’s all about control, in other words, as the entire purpose of all this climate hysteria is to scare people into sacrificing their freedoms and liberties on the altar of “peace” and “safety.”

“You kind of have to scare people to jump start them to do anything about it,” one climate apologist youth admitted on camera about the use of fear-mongering as a tactic to implement the climate agenda on a planetary scale.

“It is about fear and whether it’s happening, and whether those things are going to happen in a matter of years or in a matter of millions of years, it’s going to happen eventually,” another girl stated.

“So if we can scare people into making a difference now, and save that for even later, then…” she added before trailing off into silence.

Sources for this article include:

More Greta and Climate Change…

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