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Minneapolis Trump Rally – Cops Wear Red Shirts in Support, Protesters Create Chaos

Minneapolis Trump Rally – Cops Wear Red Shirts in Support, Protesters Create Chaos

Minneapolis Trump Rally, October 10, 2019 – The Trump-hating Mayor attempted to block the rally by gouging them with unrealistically high costs for security. Then he issued an order that blocked all off-duty police from attending the rally in uniform. They responded by creating a custom red shirt that said, “Cops Love Trump, Trump Loves Cops.”

minneapolis Trump Rally
Screenshot via Fox News

The police federation responded to the Mayor’s action: “It was kept completely secret from us. We believe it infringes upon the federation’s rights to have influence in the political process, and let them know where our federation stands and who our federation endorses.” Lt. Bob Kroll, Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis CBSLocal

And they made their position known.

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Yahoo wrote:

Minneapolis police officers rankled by a new department policy barring off-duty staff from wearing their uniforms to political events plan to instead swarm President Donald Trump’s rally Thursday with a “sea of red” specialty T-shirts.

The policy change came the day after Trump announced he would host a rally in Minneapolis. The head of the local police union argues the ban was a political move meant to favor the city’s Democratic officials. The police department for its part says the policy is about avoiding the appearance of political bias.

The attempt to enforce a political bias failed miserably. The President was surrounded by a “sea of red”- it was a giant sized middle finger to leftist Mayor Jacob Frey. The President retweeted the notice of the red shirts and the surge in demand crashed the site.

It was a sell-out crowd. Left-leaning media have their hopes pinned on “polls.” Polls are bogus and irrelevant – how many “polls” said Hillary Clinton was going to win? Getting people off their collective butts and out to vote in the election is what counts. And no, “Americans” aren’t in favor of impeachment. The media is in favor of impeachment. The rest of us, no.

Protesters at the Minneapolis Trump Rally

Meanwhile outside the Target Center, Antifa and other left wing dimwits were busily creating mayhem. They snatched MAGA hats from Trump supporters, burned them, and attempted to rough up people on their way out of the venue. They chanted, yelled, screamed, and called people Nazis (when they wouldn’t know a Nazi if they were standing in front of Joseph Goebbels.).

The protesters were largely removed by midnight after deployment of pepper spray by police. Several arrests of the troublemakers were made. But it is becoming more and more obvious that ordinary Americans from every walk of life love the President. At one point during the rally, he asked for a “Where’s Hunter” shirt and the crowd burst into laughter.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children

Courtesy of Conservative Firing Line

Minnesota Politics…

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