Saturday, May 04th, 2024

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Pelosi & Graham announce joint resolution to overturn President Trump’s “dangerous decision” on Syria.

Pelosi & Graham announce joint resolution to overturn President Trump’s “dangerous decision” on Syria.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she joined forces with Sen. Lindsey Graham in a push to overturn President Trump’s “dangerous decision” on Syria.

The California Democrat announced Monday that she and Graham agreed to “a bipartisan, bicameral joint resolution” on the president’s controversial decision to pull U.S. troops from northern Syria.

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Pelosi followed that tweet with two more saying “Next, we must put together the strongest bipartisan, bicameral sanctions package similar to the bipartisan bill the House is advancing.” And “as we find ourselves in a situation where the President gave a green light to the Turks to bomb and effectively unleashed ISIS, we must have a stronger sanctions package than what the White House is suggesting.”

Senior Republican lawmakers have criticized Trump’s decision and have been warning of the dangerous consequences of the vacuum that would be left behind as U.S. troops depart as well as condemning the apparent abandonment of Kurdish allies who helped the U.S. defeat ISIS.

Graham confirmed the conversation with Pelosi, but only seemed to focus on the sanctions, saying he had spoken with the Democrat leader and they agreed also on the additional sanctions against Turkey which began its offensive into Syria soon after Trump’s announcement last week.

Though neither of the lawmakers, who have been critical of the president’s decision, revealed any details of proposed legislation, they were in agreement that sanctions were needed.

The president, who is scheduled to meet with Graham Monday, had also indicated that he was considering “imposing powerful Sanctions on Turkey” in a tweet on Sunday.

On Monday, he again tweeted about “big sanctions” coming but noted that the “Never ending wars will end!”

“Do people really think we should go to war with NATO Member Turkey?” he asked.

On Sunday, Graham had indicated that Trump’s cooperation with Congress to stop Turkey’s aggression in Syria would be “a game changer.”

“I applaud his decision to work with Congress to stop Turkeys [sic] aggression in Syria through crippling economic sanctions,” he tweeted. “This decision by President Trump will be a game changer — in all the wrong ways — for Turkey.”

Sean Walton is a researcher and journalist for The Daily Sheeple. Send tips to

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