Friday, May 03rd, 2024

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Google, YouTube Take Down Trump Campaign Ads for “Technically Manipulated Content”

Google, YouTube Take Down Trump Campaign Ads for “Technically Manipulated Content”

Over 300 Trump campaign ads were removed from Google and YouTube over the summer for “violating policies.” In an interview with Leslie Stahl from 60 Minutes, a spokesperson for the companies stated that the reason they were taken down had to do with “technically manipulated” content, not the political message.

youtube take down


The Hill reported,

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When pressed during a sit-down interview on whether Trump ads had been removed, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said that there were “ads of President Trump that were not approved to run on Google or YouTube.”

She told longtime “60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl that the ads are “available in our transparency report.”

“Facebook is facing a lot of controversy because it refuses to take down a President Trump ad about Biden which is not true. Would you run that ad?” correspondent Lesley Stahl asked Wojcicki.

“So that is an ad that right now would not be a violation of our policies,” Wojcicki responded.

“Is it on YouTube right now?” Stahl asked.

“It has been on YouTube,” the YouTube CEO responded.

“Can a politician lie on YouTube?” Stahl pressed.

“For every single video, I think it’s really important to look at it,” Wojcicki responded. “Politicians are always accusing their opponents of lying. That said, it’s not OK to have technically manipulated content that would be misleading.”

Wojcicki claimed that leftists are also complaining of censorship by social media, and that the systems and algorithms used by them have no political bias built into the “in any way.” She stated that the software has no idea whether something is Republican or Democrat, but whether it’s “technically manipulated.”

Whether the CEO of YouTube is aware of it or not, there are literally thousands of videos on YouTube that have “technically manipulated content.” We just wrote about a couple of them the other day – they have been graphically manipulated to make them look real when they are not. It’s creative – why can’t political ads be creative as well?

It appears that social media is attempting to play referee or policeman in regard to US elections. Is that in and of itself manipulation of an election?

Courtesy of Conservative Firing Line

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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