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Chick-fil-A now funding radical anti-Christian group that inspired a violent killer to target innocents

Chick-fil-A now funding radical anti-Christian group that inspired a violent killer to target innocents

(Natural News) After announcing that it will no longer be supporting faith-based nonprofit organizations like the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and the Salvation Army, fast food giant Chick-fil-A has decided to instead support the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which back in 2012 inspired domestic terrorist Floyd Corkins to attempt mass murder at the headquarters of the Family Research Council (FRC).

Ironically enough, Corkins reportedly stormed the FRC’s Washington, D.C., building armed with a semi-automatic pistol, 100 rounds of ammunition, and 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches. The reason for the sandwiches, according to a statement later made by Corkins to the FBI, was that he “wanted to kill the people in the building and then smear a Chick-fil-A sandwich in their face.”

Corkins was reportedly “enraged” by the nationwide “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” that took place that year, and used the SPLC’s “hate map” to find an organization aligned with Chick-fil-A that he could target for mass murder. Using this “hate map,” Corkins identified the FRC, meaning the SPLC actually facilitated Corkins’ efforts to commit mass murder by falsely dubbing the FRC a “hate group.”

Even more ironic is the fact that Chick-fil-A itself has been dubbed by the SPLC as a “hate group,” even though the fried chicken chain has never done anything even remotely hateful other than to deprive its customers of addictive, MSG-laden food on Sundays when Chick-fil-A restaurants are closed.

Chick-fil-A has lost its way, and is no longer an ally of conservatives or Christians

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In responding to massive public backlash against Chick-fil-A’s recent decision to drop the FCA and the Salvation Army from its charity list, Rodney Bullard from the Chick-fil-A Foundation publicly claimed that the decision hinged upon Chick-fil-A not wanting to be “encumbered by someone else’s politics or cultural war.” But details unearthed by the Radiance Foundation’s Ryan Bomberger reveal that Chick-fil-A is still supporting organizations on the “other side” of the culture war, including the pro-abortion YWCA and Pace Center for Girls, as well as the pro-LGBT Chris 180 and Junior Achievement organizations.

Chick-fil-A also supports the “progressive” New Leadership Council and Usher’s New Look, along with the SPLC, an anti-white, antichrist hate group in and of itself that seeks to subvert and destroy the United States through cultural upheaval and the destruction of the very Christian values upon which this country was built.

“Not only has Chick-fil-A abandoned donations to Christian groups including the Salvation Army, it has donated to one of the most extreme anti-Christian group in America,” says FRC president Tony Perkins. “Anyone who opposes the SPLC, including many Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, and traditional conservatives, is slandered and slapped with the ‘extremist’ label or even worse, their ‘hate group’ designation.”

According to Perkins, neither Dan Cathy, the son of Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy, nor anyone else at Chick-fil-A bothered to even inquire about the well-being of Leo Johnson, the building manager at the FRC who, despite being seriously wounded by Corkins, heroically stopped him from actually killing anyone.

“Dan Cathy, nor anyone with Chick-fil-A inquired about the well-being of Mr. Johnson or any of the FRC team members, but they made a donation to the SPLC which was linked in federal court to this act of domestic terrorism,” Perkins went on to state.

“Chick-fil-A has seriously lost their way. It’s time for Christians to find a fast food alternative to Chick-fil-A.”

In an open letter to Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy, a coalition of conservative leaders has expressed “tremendous” disappointment with where the company is headed now that these revelations have come to light. The letter’s signatories include United Nations Human Rights Commissioner Kenneth Blackwell, Media Research Center founder Brent Bozell, Heritage Foundation president Kay Cole James, Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver, and Conservative HQ chairman Richard Viguerie, along with many others.

For more related news about the downfall of America’s last remaining conservative influences, be sure to check out

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