Saturday, May 04th, 2024

Breaking News

A Polite Warning to Dems: We Are Not Afraid to DIE to Defend OUR President, OUR Country and OUR God

A Polite Warning to Dems: We Are Not Afraid to DIE to Defend OUR President, OUR Country and OUR God

I speak for literally tens of millions of Americans today when I say to the left. “Be careful what you wish for.”

This is your warning shot.

You do not want to awaken the Christian Right.

You have done everything in your power to turn America into the land you want it to be, to the point where it is hardly recognizable to freedom loving Americans.

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You offer big threats & sponsor propaganda that strike at the very heart of this country and it’s people.

You are currently trying to impeach a duly elected president with no evidence of any criminal wrongdoing.

Are we still really talking about Ukraine?

I very much want to keep discussing that.

Maybe we should keep discussing Ukraine and the Neo-Nazi governemment that OBAMA installed there?

By all means let’s expose the REAL criminal elements in regards to Ukraine.

It is true that some of your deceptive efforts have effectively swung some right-wing voters to your side, but not ALL of us.

There is an old man in my neighborhood named Tom.

Tom is a lifelong Republican and WAS once a conservative.

Tom is changing his tune on a lot of things lately because he watches too much Fox News.

You have gained control of ALL major media in America, even though you still claim Fox News is the enemy, and your plan seems to be working.

The one thing you have not been able to do is take our guns, not all of them.

And every time someone threatens to do it we go out and buy more.

That’s not going to happen in Virginia or anywhere else within these United States.

Every time you even hint about coming for our guns, we go out and buy more.

We Americans continue to cling to ourr Bibles and our guns and we sit and wait, and PRAY that we won’t ever have to take up arms against our fellow Americans.

But you have pushed too hard this time to destroy everything we believe in.

You attack our God and HIS creation.

You attack our families with your policies and depravity.

And now you attack OUR president because he has some morals.

In fact, though it NEVER gets reported, he does things for people of color that Obama would not. Yet, you label him the racist.

It is increasingly clear that you do not desire peace, nor do you desire any kind of rational discourse.

There is a Deep State coup to get rid of a President that does not always bend to their will.

That is his crime.

There are tens of millions of gun-loving Americans who do not run the world, but we are watching how it is being run.

We realize that we have already largely become your slaves through overwhelming taxes and ridiculous legislation that erodes our liberties.

You keep us in our place FOR NOW.

You know that the Christian Right will not fire the first shot.

It is not our belief to do so.

But many shots have already been fired and the time is drawing near when we can no longer turn the other cheek.

Be careful what you wish for because it is true that we won’t start a war, but we are within our God-given rights to act in self-defense…

…even if that means taking out a lot of liberals along the way.

The leadership would be the main target.

When you cut off the head, you kill the snake.

The brainwashed masses would simply be unfortunate collateral damage.

We do not desire that, but if left with no choice we will have to defend ourselves.

If you push this further, we will have no choice but to take up arms to defend Our God, Our Families and Our Country.

Be careful what you wish for Leftists.

You are pushing for a war that you can not win.

There are nearly 500 million guns in this country, and surprisingly they aren’t in the hands of those useful idiots you created and called Antifa.

We are on to you and this is your warning shot.

Stop now and you will live.

Push further, and incite war, and see what happens.

Those of us that serve a loving God, have no fear of dying for what is right.

So keep pushing and see where it leads…

Dean Garrison is the Publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry

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