Thursday, May 02nd, 2024

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Gear up! NeoMag Magnetic Pocket Magazine Holders REVIEWED!

Gear up! NeoMag Magnetic Pocket Magazine Holders REVIEWED!

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I know what I want in my Christmas stocking this year. It’s a must have. At least 4 NeoMag magnetic pocket magazine holders.

Why so many?

That really doesn’t seem like a lot to me. Many assaults nowadays are committed by multiple perpetrators, so I frequently carry two pistols on me. A full-sized in open carry or IWB, and either an appendix concealed carry or a micro in my pocket or ankle holster.

4x NeoMags to me would be “just the right amount” to have 2 extra magazines of each, ensuring I have enough rounds to stay in the fight, if something were to happen.

You NEED extra magazines, but where do you put them?

A big nuisance with carrying a firearm on your person is how to carry spare mags. Almost every pistol worth carrying has some type of useful holster that you can carry it in. However, magazines have always seemed an afterthought.

That is where NeoMag Magnetic Pocket Magazine Holders come to the rescue.

NeoMag magazine carriers work like magic. They are very well thought out and address the issues that you would experience while attempting to carry a pound or more of metal discreetly in your pocket.

Three sizes and two clip lengths

There are three different sizes of NeoMag, small to fit the compact and micro pistol magazines, .22LR, .32, .380. Medium for guns like Glock, Sig, Beretta, etc in 9mm. And large which will hold the largest magazines, such as .45, 10mm and the wide, double stack 1911 mags.

It is best to measure your magazine’s width and compare to the NeoMag sizes if you are not sure. You can also send a quick email to NeoMag support just to make sure.

If you will be using NeoMags with multiple, different caliber pistols, medium is probably your best bet. I found the medium sample NeoMag provided worked well with my .380. It wasn’t snug, but it retained the mag just fine. It is advised however, for best retention to get the snuggest fit.

NeoMags also sport two different sized clips to cover standard magazine capacities and extended magazine capacities. The extended version can easily carry standard capacity magazines, but they will be held just a little bit further down in your pocket. Whereas the standard size would not hold an extended mag in complete concealment, which of course goes against the entire purpose of these specialized Mag holders.

My preference so far has been the extended clip versions, I feel as though, those are the most versatile for my carry needs.

If you have pinky extension mags, you probably should go with the extended clip versions.

Magnetic but not magic

As I mentioned, NeoMag will work with Glock mags, as long as you are using the metal lined mags and not the all-plastic mags. I saw some complaints online about the NeoMag not working with some people’s Glock mags… and I am not really certain what they were doing wrong.

I think they expected the NeoMag to hold their magazine in a way it was not intended. The magnet does not work by itself to retain the magazine; it uses the fit of the NeoMag’s sides as well as the top where the clip is fastened to hold your mag in an easily accessible position.

You cannot put your fully loaded mag, in the NeoMag and then hold it sideways, outside of your pocket and expect it not to fall as you jostle it around. That is not how it was designed or what it was designed for.

Plastic Magpul and ETS magazines do not work with the NeoMag. Some Commiefornia compliant Glock 10 round mags and Springfield XD mags might not work with NeoMag; test your magazine to make sure it is magnetic.

What’s it made of

The NeoMag is Black-nitrided Steel, it utilizes a powerful Neodymium magnet, and the clip is made from Titanium. A soft plastic bump (Grip pad) is under the clip to provide friction against your pocket material. Once clipped onto your pocket, it is NOT going anywhere.

The clip is STRONG. You will need to get used to sliding the clip onto your pocket. If you get the standard length clip, it will require a bit of effort at first to get it onto your pocket. You should use a pinching method beneath the clip, to get the most leverage to move the clip. Since it is titanium, it will remain this strong for the life of the NeoMag.

The extended clip is a bit easier to manipulate to get it onto your pocket. That is another reason I suggest to get the extended clip version. Plus it ensures the mag is deep enough not to flash, providing the most discreet method of carry.

Do NOT try to bend the clip to make it less grippy. Titanium does NOT like that. It will break the clip off, if you try to force the clip open with pliers, etc.

As with anything that has a metal clip on it, like knives and money clips, be aware about leaning against plastic or painted surfaces, it can and will scratch. Titanium wins most fights against most other metals.

I love using NeoMag

I daily carried the NeoMag for two months now. I used it in both front and rear pockets. I prefer it in the front pocket, for ease of access. That does prohibit what other items you can keep in that pocket though. Depending on how wide your pocket is, retrieving something resting at the bottom of your pocket might be difficult. Obviously, there are two areas of the front pocket that you can keep your NeoMag; I chose the front most position.

Rear pocket carry was ok, but you do notice a 17 round mag when it is vertical in your back pocket. Keeping it to the outside of the rear pocket is best and least noticeable.

The material of your pants makes a difference of where you may choose to carry. I mostly wear jeans, so there weren’t any issues. However, if you wear thinner material pants, such as dress clothes, you may have to experiment where best to place the NeoMag for maximum support of the weight of the mag.

Muscle memory is everything if a conflict arises

The important part of carrying a spare mag is the ability to access it quickly and accurately. The NeoMag allows you to form a repeatable muscle memory for quickly drawing your magazine to do a fast reload. It is something that you can practice (and I suggest you do).

When your magazine is in the same spot every time, drawing it out of the NeoMag becomes second nature. The orientation of the magazine is also assured by maintaining the way the magazine faces in your pocket, so you don’t have to fumble around and have to visually look at the magazine to make sure you are inserting it properly.

Carrying your mags with a NeoMag also helps reduce getting lint, fluff and grit into your mags which can then be transferred to your pistol, causing potential jams.


What it can do for you; organize your magazines so you can retrieve them quickly without having to dig around in your pocket. The orientation will always be exact and the same, so you can practice retrieval and reloading. All while maintaining a slim, discreet look.

What it cannot do, it will not make that “100 round clip magazine” feel like you don’t have anything in your pocket. You have a big piece of unyielding metal in your pocket, and once you get beyond 7 rounds of single stack, or 12 of double stack, you will notice a large magazine wherever you put it. The NeoMag was designed to retain your magazine in such a way that you will be able to retrieve it for use, without fumbling around.

Head on over to to get yours today. Or leave some good hints to your significant other. Starting at $39.99 for the original version, or $44.99 for the black clip version. [Titanium needs a bit more attention than steel to change its color]

You will be happy to finally have your magazines secured in your pocket and not bouncing against your leg all day. Built from the toughest materials and backed by a lifetime warranty.


Also Reviewed:

Rock Island Armory’s TAC Ultra FS HC 9mm Pistol Review


About the Author:

DarkStar (obvious pseudonym) has been an active humanitarian for the past decade, running a charity dedicated to helping the mentally challenged overcome life obstacles.

DarkStar left the corporate digital world working for Google and Chicago Tribune to seek more philanthropic pursuits, after becoming tired of helping the “elites” become richer while people were suffering.

With a degree in Computer Engineering and a background in Physics, DarkStar created and patented an Artificial Intelligence to take the place of mental health professionals and services, to help the mentally ill navigate their daily life.

An avid inventor, DarkStar hopes someday to connect with a similarly minded Angel Investor to create a company that can expand to help many more people around the world.

✌️ ɹɐʇsʞɹɐp
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