Wednesday, May 08th, 2024

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Lock her up! WATCH Maxine Waters flash white power hand sign during sham impeachment speech

Lock her up! WATCH Maxine Waters flash white power hand sign during sham impeachment speech

The liberal media and crazed leftists in general would have us all believe that anyone flashing the “OK” hand symbol is a white supremacist who secretly loves Adolf Hitler since the “OK” sign is, at least in their view, a super-secret symbol that is really a signal that the one flashing it supports “white power.”

Moreover, anyone who makes the sign, regardless of the circumstances, can easily find themselves under scrutiny. Just ask the cadets at the recent Army-Navy game who flashed the hand sign. But on Wednesday, Maxine Waters, the California Democrat obsessed with impeachment and conspiracy theories involving Russians, was caught by BlazeTV making the same hand signal:

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So, by the left’s own definition, that would seem to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Maxine Waters is really a white supremacist. Who knows? Maybe she even has a secret stash of Nazi armbands in her closet that she plays with in her own time… Right?

Of course, we’re just being tongue-in-cheek here, but isn’t that the picture the media has created and presented to its audience?

As Twitchy wondered: “Let’s hope CNN takes its own advice and takes the white supremacist symbol seriously in this case.”


Let’s be honest. We’re talking about Maxine Waters, a woman whose vitriolic statements in the past have sparked riots. Everyone knows that Waters has been endowed with liberal privilege for decades and is allowed to do or say anything she wants without any repercussions whatsoever.

The reaction on Twitter is pretty much what you’d imagine:


There’s a lot more like this, but you get the point.

As we’ve said in the past, scratch a liberal, find a hypocrite.

Courtesy of Conservative Firing Line


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