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Biological woman who cut off breasts to become a trans “male” now regrets “huge mistake”

Biological woman who cut off breasts to become a trans “male” now regrets “huge mistake”

(Natural News) Transgender remorse is on the rise as yet another duped individual is reportedly expressing deep regrets after having chopped off her breasts in a failed attempt at becoming a “man.”

Debbie Karemer, 61, of the United Kingdom, had tried and tried for 17 long years to live as a male, but it just wasn’t working. No matter how many artificial hormones she injected, or body parts she had removed – as well as added – it just didn’t work.

Describing these failed attempts at transitioning as a “huge mistake,” Karemer broke the taboo recently by admitting to media that would actually report on it that she has now decided to “de-transition” back into the woman she’s always been, and always will be.

“I’m a woman,” Karemer is quoted as saying. “I’m not meant to be a bloke. I’m trapped. I feel completely mutilated. It’s a complete mess – where do you even start? I just regret the decision.”

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Karemer says she has finally woken up to the fact that she was not a “man” living inside a woman’s body, but was instead a discontented person who hated herself for most of her life. And much of this self-hatred stemmed from having been sexually abused by her own father since her teenage years.

It was around the year 2002 when, after watching a daytime talk show about transgender people, that Karemer believed she had found her “solution.” But as it turned out, nearly two decades later, this “solution” was actually a deception, and one that’s being used to exploit the lives of countless other damaged individuals just like Karemer who need mental health therapy, not “transition therapy.”

“I had spent years feeling I couldn’t live in my own body and hating every single moment,” Karemer now laments. “Suddenly I saw the answer on ‘Kilroy.’ It felt like the only answer. It felt like the only way forward.”

Karemer, who has been married to a man since 1997, says she started to research transgenderism online after watching this particular episode of “Kilroy,” and eventually found a transgender “support group” for women who identified as “transgender men” in London.

That same week, Karemer made an appointment with a private psychiatrist and was actually given a testosterone injection on this first appointment. Karemer continued to get testosterone injections, and three months later had her breasts surgically removed. She also changed her name to “Lee Harris.”

Karemer’s double mastectomy cost her £3,500, or nearly $5,000, which she paid for out-of-pocket. All subsequent mutilations were reportedly paid for by Great Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) – meaning taxpayers footed the bill for Karemer’s now-regretted “transition.”

Two years after Karemer decided she wanted to become a transgender, she proceeded to have her uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes all removed. She then opted for a metoidioplasty, which is the first step in having an artificial “penis” grafted into one’s body.

In 2005, Karemer received her prosthetic “testicles,” and three years after that she had her vagina fully removed. Just a few months after that Karemer had fat and skin harvested from her arm in order to finish the creation of her fake “penis,” as well as to complete the work on her “testicles.”

The transgender lobby is fooling desperately damaged people into permanently mutilating their bodies for fake happiness

In the end, however, Karemer didn’t find the happiness she was looking for. Instead, she felt emptier than ever, and eventually realized that she had been duped – and now she’s trying to warn others not to make the same mistake she did, despite the apparent allure and trendiness of going transgender in our modern day.

“The session where I realized this was so bad, I had a complete breakdown and panic attack because I realized it was a huge mistake,” Karemer recalls. “I was traumatized by what had happened in my life, and it was misdiagnosed as being transgender.”

“Looking back now, I realize that it was simply a feeling that if I didn’t have a vagina, I couldn’t be raped,” this poor woman now understands.

Be sure to read her full tragic story at Life Site News.

Sources for this article include:

Sex Change Regret

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