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Pelosi’s Impeachment Charade is Nothing More Than a Juvenile Insult

Pelosi’s Impeachment Charade is Nothing More Than a Juvenile Insult

Punks and Pranksters

These articles of impeachment amount to nothing more than juvenile mockery, and that’s exactly what it looks like to the American public. Pelosi symbolically held the articles over Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel’s head, hoping he’d jump trying to grab them. Foolish and immature behavior from the lamest collection of political leaders to ever come out of the Democrat party.

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Sorry Dimocrats, it just ain’t that big of a deal

Pelosi and the rest of the clown posse are crowing about how impeachment is forever, yet the articles submitted are no different than a prosecutor convincing a grand jury to indict someone. Sol Wachtler, the former Chief Judge of New York state, said district attorneys have so much influence on grand juries that “by and large they could get them to indict a ham sandwich.”

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The grand jury indictment, in and of itself, carries absolutely no weight. The House impeachment is not a conviction, and no one has ever gone to prison or been thrown out of office based solely on a decision at this politically biased stage.

This charade is meaningless because there’s no requirement for fairness

Once a grand jury indictment (or impeachment) is handed down, the real work begins for the prosecutor’s team. During an impeachment or grand jury hearing the potential defendant has no rights to call witnesses and no legal representation. Constitutional protections for the defendant haven’t come into play yet. The prosecution is not even required to present exculpatory evidence that might cast doubt on their case (sound familiar?). So, the indictment from the House Foreign Affairs Committee is hollowed out by the partisan antics of the same people who had been planning his impeachment since (or before) his inauguration.

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We watched the proceedings (the ones not held in the locked vault in the basement) of Shifty’s Foreign Affairs committee. Advocates for the President were not allowed to present witnesses or exculpatory evidence, the end result being a clearly partisan outcome. Had Schiff not been flushed out of his rat hole by calls for transparency, the public would not have known about the dark underbelly of political justice (oxymoron).

It ain’t about proof, bitches!

Congratulations on accomplishing nothing! They weren’t able to find even one fact witness that helped their case, and Pelosi tipped her hand this week when she was asked about being able to present proof of impeachable offenses at the Senate trial. In her usual stuttering, stumbling manner she explained that impeachment wasn’t about proof, it was about allegations.

Now that this impeachment bar has been lowered to the ground, all it will take to impeach future presidents will be a majority vote in committee—no proof required…just a political majority on that committee. Therefore, impeachment no longer means anything.

And this, ladies and gents (and the rest of you) is why, when the Senate fails to convict—the black mark will be on the Democrat’s side of the ledger—forever, no matter what Schiff may later write on the bathroom walls about himself.

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David Brockett is a Vietnam Veteran and former Marine aviator. He writes fiction and historical fiction, as well as articles on politics, religion, gun-rights, preparedness, and current events.

For more articles from this author visit these sites:

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David Brocket


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