Sunday, May 05th, 2024

Breaking News

Virginia: City Councilman Totes AR-15 to Sanctuary Vote

Virginia: City Councilman Totes AR-15 to Sanctuary Vote

Message received loud and clear Councilman Clark.

Shall NOT Be Infringed!

City Councilman Nathan Clark understands the meaning.

Gun grabbers in Virginia seem to have forgotten.

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Breitbart reports:

Portsmouth, Virginia, councilman Nathan Clark participated in his city’s Second Amendment Sanctuary vote while carrying an AR-15.

The Virginian-Pilot reports that two liberals, Councilman Shannon Glove and Vice Mayor Lisa Lucas-Burke, were critical of Clark’s decision to bring his gun to the vote and asked him to apologize for doing so.

Councilman Bill Moody defended Clark, saying, “I do not believe that Council(man) Clark needs to apologize for exercising his right as a law enforcement officer to carry his weapon to a public meeting. I can appreciate liberals’ knee jerk reactions but if they have a problem with the law they should use the system they now control to change it.”

Clark told WTKR he carried the gun openly to show support for gun rights.

He said, “I had a lot of people come and talk to me after it. No one appeared intimidated. There the police officers that were there; they were aware that I had it.”

The council passed the Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution by a vote of 4-3.


Close vote.

I wonder if Clark’s message swayed the vote?


Still Virginia STATE politicians are prepping to further infringe on gun rights in Virginia and tensions continue to rise.

Northam and his cronies are starting a war they can not win.

Please pray that cooler heads prevail, because the situation looks eerily dim and could be the powder keg that ignites civil war across America.

The 2nd Amendment is NOT negotiable and NOT open to further interpretation.

It is the right that protects all others and Americans will never give up their guns, willingly.

Come and take them, if you dare try.

Dean Garrison is Publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry

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