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Hollywood Gunslinger Clint Eastwood Backs Gun-grabber Bloomberg

Hollywood Gunslinger Clint Eastwood Backs Gun-grabber Bloomberg

Fooled us again

There are a lot of snakes in the Hollywood Hills, and one that looks a lot like Dirty Harry just slithered out from under a rock. It seems that tough-guy Eastwood is triggered by Trump’s mean tweets, so he is backing the little Mike Bloomberg.


So much for political scruples and a fortune made in movies posing as a conservative. I know his current movie about Richard Jewel is bombing, but is he looking to Bloomberg for a fistful of dollars?

In 2012 when Obama was running for reelection, Eastwood supported the Neo-con Duo Romney/Ryan. Maybe we should have looked a little deeper at Eastwood’s true conservative creds—but who would have thought…?

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At one time, Eastwood praised Trump for NOT giving in to political correctness, but now he thinks he’s just being too mean with his name calling—so it’s time for a change. Wow that is a Yuge leap, from conservativism to left-wing looney toons.

This is an Eastwood quote from a few years back regarding PC: “We’re really in a p—y generation. Everybody’s walking on eggshells. We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren’t called racist,”

If Eastwood didn’t like PC, how does he stomach Bloomberg’s nanny state where the government even tells you how big your soft drink can be? Maybe Clint should go back to that Orangutan he used to hang out with—he might get more sound political advice.

In this interview with the Wall Street Journal, Eastwood commented: “The best thing we could do is just get Mike Bloomberg in there.” To do what, exactly?

In 2016 I guess Eastwood’s ties to Romney kept him from endorsing Trump. At what point in time did this guy turn his mind over to someone else? Especially tools like Romney and Ryan.

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According to the article, Eastwood damned Trump with faint praise by saying he approved of some things he did, but wished he was more genteel. Clearly Eastwood doesn’t plan on making any more movies–he had to know the box-office price of political treachery in America.

Yep, you heard that right. Dirty Harry is looking for a safe space.

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David Brockett is a Vietnam Veteran and former Marine aviator. He writes fiction and historical fiction, as well as articles on politics, religion, gun-rights, preparedness, and current events.

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