Sunday, May 05th, 2024

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Japan’s Supreme Court Rules Transgenders Must Be Sterilized

Japan’s Supreme Court Rules Transgenders Must Be Sterilized

Japan’s Supreme Court has rejected an appeal of its earlier decision to force transgendered people to be sterilized.

The vote on the appeal was unanimous.

Here’s more from Pink News:

The Supreme Court of Japan has upheld a law which forces transgender people to get sterilised before they can legally change their gender.

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The panel of four justices ruled unanimously on Thursday (January 24) to reject an appeal filed by Takakito Usui, a trans man who wants to change the gender on his official documents, Australian outlet SBS News has reported.

Usui was trying to overturn Law 111, which requires any person seeking to change their legal gender to have “no reproductive glands or reproductive glands that have permanently lost function.”

“The essential thing should not be whether you have had an operation or not, but how you want to live as an individual.”

— Takakito Usui

Trans people also have to possess “a body which appears to have parts that resemble the genital organs of those of the opposite gender,” according to the 2003 law, which was ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court judges.

Usui, whose legal campaign is now over, responded to the ruling by saying: “The essential thing should not be whether you have had an operation or not, but how you want to live as an individual.”

Supreme Court of Japan judges explain transgender ruling

In their decision, the justices said that Law 111 prevented “problems” in relationships between parents and children which could result in “confusion” and “abrupt changes” across Japanese society.

They offered a sliver of encouragement to trans activists by saying that the legislation was invasive and should be reviewed regularly as cultural attitudes shift over time.

Presiding justice Mamoru Miura and one other justice also wrote an additional opinion in which they said “doubts are undeniably emerging” about Law 111.

“Suffering related to gender, felt by people with gender identity disorder, is also the problem of society as a whole, which should encompass the diversity of sexual identity,” they wrote.

Usui’s lawyer said that parts of the judges’ ruling could help the wider campaign to get politicians to change the law.

Japan is in the process of addressing transgender rights

Last year, the Japanese government announced that it would subsidise gender affirming surgery for trans people—as long as they are not receiving hormone treatment and do not have any other pre-existing conditions.

Once the surgery is covered by public insurance in Japan, a patient will only need to pay up to 30 percent of the total surgery expenses, reported Japan Times.

However, trans people in the country seeking gender confirmation surgeries still face numerous obstacles.

Read More at Pink News…


Here in America we let taxpayers pay for sex change surgeries.

Japan seems to be holding out some against the LGBT movement, but it looks like eventually they will let these people become whatever it is they think they want to be.

God has no right to choose if we are a man or woman.

That is the thinking of LGBT activists.

You and I get to pay for it, in many cases, in America.

Japan has not yet reached that level of homofriendliness yet, but this movement has taken hold worldwide.

I don’t know about anyone else and I will try not to disrespect anyone.

But if you were born a man and want to be a woman, or vice-versa, I think you should have to pay for that yourself.

Leave my tax dollars out of it and stop pushing this on our kids.

Children deserve to grow up naturally as God intended.

Pushing this LGBT agenda is wrong.

Do people have a right to be what they want to be?


We all have free will and so long as no laws are being violated then I am OK with that.

But there are many of us who put God’s law above the laws of man and we have a right to not have to be bombarded with this stuff in the public square.

Pay for your own sex changes and stop shoving your lifestyle in everyone’s faces.

It is still OK to be heterosexual.

For now.

Dean Garrison is Publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry

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