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More bad news for Democrats: New survey finds growing majority of black voters don’t like ANY 2020 candidates

More bad news for Democrats: New survey finds growing majority of black voters don’t like ANY 2020 candidates

(TNS) A whole herd of Democrats lined up over the past year to make a run at capturing their party’s presidential nomination and positioning themselves as ‘the one’ who could defeat The Donald in November.

The dreams and desires of most of them have since been shattered by political realities such as the realization that a) most Americans never even heard of them before they decided to throw their hat in the ring; and b) most Americans can’t remember who they are even now.

But there’s even more bad news for Democrats: A new survey has found that a growing number of black voters have no interest in any of the remaining donkeys, regardless of who winds up with the crown.

POLITICO reports:

A new survey of registered African American voters found that a significant number are disillusioned with the Democratic Party.

The survey, conducted by the political action committee BlackPAC, found that while black voters are largely supportive of the Democratic Party and align most with its values, more than half feel that the party is not paying close enough attention to the black community. Democrats, they argue, grew too distracted by impeachment to focus on the issues that matter to black voters, putting them out of touch with the key bloc whose support they’ve relied on for decades.

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The Democratic Party maintains an overwhelming share of black support, with 70 percent saying they will vote for the party’s presidential nominee in November. Yet more than one-third of all black voters surveyed expressed a desire for “someone else” to run. Given the option to vote for the Democratic nominee, Donald Trump or a third-party candidate, Trump and the third-party candidate each received 12 percent of support.

“Black voters are extremely anxious right now about what’s happening in the country,” Adrianne Shropshire, executive director of BlackPAC, told POLITICO, citing the large percentages of survey participants who also expressed dissatisfaction with the economy and direction of the country. “It matters not the age category or people that live in rural or suburban communities. People are paying attention at a really high rate.”

Well, these black voters may think the economy isn’t doing so well but that’s because Democrats keep talking it down, along with their media propagandists. But the facts are thus: The Trump economy has been the best one for black and Hispanic Americans ever. And it just keeps growing.

Meantime, the president’s reelection effort is specifically targeting this demographic:

In 2016, Trump received 8 percent of the black vote, according to exit polls. BlackPAC found that 28 percent of the black voters in its survey reported either seeing Trump’s campaign ads, receiving mail paraphernalia or being directly contacted by the Trump campaign.

Unlike previous Republican campaigns, this president isn’t writing anyone off. His campaign message is simple: ‘I’m everyone’s president, not just a president for Republicans.’

No one is under any illusion that black voters are going to flock to the president this November. But if the president were to even double black support from 8 percent to 16 percent, that would be monumental and would seriously tilt the scales towards his reelection.

Courtesy of The National Sentinel

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