Wednesday, May 08th, 2024

Breaking News

California Commie Counter Force

California Commie Counter Force

With illegal immigrants having the ability to vote somehow, and California dirty politicians doing everything in their power to keep in power, I was wondering if illegals don’t need an ID to vote than neither should roofless people. MAGAnaut duty called.

In between San Francisco and Sacramento lies a beautiful, full of potential little town called Fairfield. Like DC, Fairfield seems to have several old evil folks still around and many white hats battling them within. This town has those cults you see on YouTube, gang stalkers, cabal public works traffickers like Frisco’s, and yes, the first base we quarantined for Coronavirus.

Luckily for us, unprovable, Coronavirus hit the roofless population about a month prior to quarantine.

Many of the people on the streets here are victims of the cabal directly and indirectly through the culture they have created. It is important these Americans have a voice to help drain the swamp, but how can they if they can’t verify an address to register?

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I took this question to a local polling place and asked them just that. Absolutely no one had a clue. Between the good intent brainstorming they arrived at the solution and loophole of “a person does not have to give their new address” so someone without a home can use an old one for verification. I thanked them but took it to the county registrar of voters. I have yet to receive an answer.

I also asked why we don’t just use social security numbers for voting because only one per person and citizenship already established. No answer to that either yet. Hopefully that’s not straw man related…

What an easy way to steal votes, my friends out here would never know their name was used. It makes sense why they have forced so many into the streets. These evil politicians have used immigrants, the psychologically unsound, veterans, children, weak, old, and poor, blamed tech and TRUMP all just to keep power.

I also find this as a fantastic opportunity.

Now in California there is a huge and unknown number of people that believe, somewhat truly, they can’t vote. If we can fix this in time, guess who can win California?

The people here aren’t all crazy, well maybe some, but many are real and sick of this like everyone else. We expect tax funds to actually go to where it’s supposed to, and now we know the DOJ does absolutely no oversight over those they consider their “in-crowd”.

And gold rush #2 begins. California goes to whoever has the will, heart, and GOD on their side, with Russia’s permission of course.


by Goddess of Kratos

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