Sunday, May 26th, 2024

Breaking News

Government tyranny is FAR more dangerous than covid-19… we must not slide into socialism or communism as we attempt to survive the coronavirus

Government tyranny is FAR more dangerous than covid-19… we must not slide into socialism or communism as we attempt to survive the coronavirus

(Natural News) As much as the coronavirus is a very dangerous (and very real) bioweapon that was engineered to exterminate human life, there’s another danger in our world that has mass murdered over a quarter of a billion people in the 20th century alone. That force of destruction and death is government tyranny.

In just the 20th century alone, socialist and communist regimes mass murdered 262 million people, according to a detailed analysis conducted at the University of Hawaii.

Spanning the 20th century, governments of China, Germany, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and the Soviet Union, among others, carried out mass murder on a scale never before witnessed in human history. China alone mass murdered over 76 million of their own people to consolidate power in the hands of communists.

Largely under Stalin, the former Soviet Union mass murdered nearly 62 million people. Here’s the summary from the analysis:

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Democide has killed far more people than covid-19, even if you follow the worse-case estimates over time

How do such democide government murders compare to covid-19 deaths? According to the nations of the world, the Wuhan coronavirus has so far killed 150,000 people (and growing). Based on the snapshot from April 17th, 2020, here’s how that looks compared to government democide of the 20th century. (We understand government-run genocide isn’t an infectious disease, see below for further notes.)

(Natural News) As much as the coronavirus is a very dangerous (and very real) bioweapon that was engineered to exterminate human life, there’s another danger in our world that has mass murdered over a quarter of a billion people in the 20th century alone. That force of destruction and death is government tyranny.

In just the 20th century alone, socialist and communist regimes mass murdered 262 million people, according to a detailed analysis conducted at the University of Hawaii.

Spanning the 20th century, governments of China, Germany, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and the Soviet Union, among others, carried out mass murder on a scale never before witnessed in human history. China alone mass murdered over 76 million of their own people to consolidate power in the hands of communists.

Largely under Stalin, the former Soviet Union mass murdered nearly 62 million people. Here’s the summary from the analysis:

Democide has killed far more people than covid-19, even if you follow the worse-case estimates over time

How do such democide government murders compare to covid-19 deaths? According to the nations of the world, the Wuhan coronavirus has so far killed 150,000 people (and growing). Based on the snapshot from April 17th, 2020, here’s how that looks compared to government democide of the 20th century. (We understand government-run genocide isn’t an infectious disease, see below for further notes.)

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