Tuesday, May 07th, 2024

Breaking News

Congress Usurps The Constitution In Going After Your Kids… Again

Congress Usurps The Constitution In Going After Your Kids… Again

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, recently we’ve seen the education (aka: remote in place learning) take a big hit via the CARES Act. That particular Act isn’t even a month old and the HEROES Act (just passed by the House) AMENDS the CARES Act! HEROES is short for “Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act”.

HEROES is over 1,800 pages. You’ll find education is woven into this Act. To find the amendments to the CARES Act, go to Division O (as in “Oscar”). Warriors, I find it a bit suspect that Congress is amended something so recently turned into ‘law’. It’s almost like a giant cover my backside move!

Highjacked Education:

Warriors, as I stated above education (aka: distance learning) is woven into HEROES. Where can you find it? How much will it cost? What does this mean?

First, there are 380 references to ‘education’ in HR 6800.

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The costs: $58 billion for K-12 education to remain as on-line and data mined as possible; $27 billion for higher education to do the same; and, $90 billion to each State for fiscal stability (which includes education).

Broadband and computer access infrastructures will expand and increase.

So what does all this mean? The data mining and computer ‘learning’ isn’t going away and we’re to pay dearly for it. With our children’s brains being improperly developed and our tax dollars. The total of the money is $175 billion dollars. The cost of our children’s health?


Warriors, this doesn’t even touch the workforce based education attached to COVID-19, either. Use ‘career’ to find those. There are 20 references and millions more in funding for the States to streamline education to workforce training. The CCSS Machine’s ‘goal’ for barely educated citizens is going according to plan.


More Hijacking:

S 1425 from Sen. Rand Paul will amend the IRS tax code where Coverdell Accounts (ESAs, Education Savings Accounts)are concerned. The ESAs are a favorite lie of the CCSS Machine. This Bill was introduced May 13, 2020.

ESAs supposedly put parents in charge of where the child goes to school OR the services and supplies needed by the students. However, ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) wiped out ‘school choice’ with its language on Page 17. The ESAs are poisoned carrots on a stick. They create massive data trails to pigeonhole students. Considering Sen. Paul loves to defend the Constitution, you’d think he’d realize federal dollars in ESAs form is in violation of the Constitution.

HR 943/S 2085, “Never Again” Education Act:

Warriors, both were introduced back in 2019. The House’s version has passed Both Chambers of Congress. As recently as May 14th, 2020. The focus in on increasing education resources and programs about the Holocaust.
However, on the first page of the House’s version, you’ll see “United Nations” is cited.

While this will certainly be a time of history we shouldn’t bury, it’s very concerning that HOW the Holocaust will be taught. The Act stressed not carrying on Nazism, however, our country is becoming very Nazi-like, especially during this COVID-19 time. Also, private gifts and cash contributions will help fund the ‘learning resources’, so who’s version of history will be taught?

Will the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights come into the lessons?


To see the UNESCO tie to the U.S. National Holocaust Memorial Museum, go here. Scroll down to the section where Turkey is mentioned.

HR 5946, National Jazz Education:

Warriors, this Bill, was introduced in Feb. 2020. As the title states, it’s all about jazz. As in music. HR 5946 isn’t a long bill, but it packs a big punch.

lazy_placeholderHR 5946 will also use the CCSS and STEAM aligned National Endowment of the Arts educational resources. (CCSS is short for Common Core State Standards and STEAM is short for Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and, Math.) If you missed the $600 million COVID-19 dollars the National Endowment of the Arts got, go back and read how it ties to the UN. The cost for this jazz update? About $3 million dollars.


Warriors, there you have it, the latest round of educratic BS from our highjacking officials. To call them leaders is an insult to the word. We MUST stop their overreach into our families! These Bills are repugnant to our Constitution.


Article posted with permission from Lynne Taylor

h/t TWS

From 2002 to today, Lynne has been a featured speaker at small meetings and large conferences. Since 2009, she has served as a frequent guest on nationwide radio and multimedia shows. Lynne also co-established PIE NC (Preserving Integrity and Excellence in Education). She is a retired private (homeschool) teacher and regionally recognized support group leader. She has also been a business owner, worked with children’s ministry and currently is an education liaison for Protecting Innocence Campaign (based in OH), wife and mom. Lynne is also an adviser to the national grassroots campaign “Child Abuse in the Classroom“, where it is the campaign’s belief that “Repealing ESSA and Restoring FERPA” are the best ways to help restore our nation’s education system. She was also awarded the 2011 Distinguished Educator from the National Society of High School Scholars, as well as the 2016 L&B Network’s Torchbearer Award for educational advocacy. She has been recognized by her peers as an expert in Common Core, Career Tech Education, Career Pathways, workforce and competency-based education reform, federal overreaches into education and our families.


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