Sunday, April 28th, 2024

Breaking News

Portland Antifa Sets Up ‘Occupied Zone’ Outside Courthouse, Goes With Stupid Acronym

Portland Antifa Sets Up ‘Occupied Zone’ Outside Courthouse, Goes With Stupid Acronym

Two weeks after Seattle’s ‘Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone’ was disbanded following three weeks of lawlessness resulting in two murders and four shootings, Portland’s Antifa cell set up their own (not so) safe-space.

Using stolen construction equipment and kitchen appliances, ‘PNW Youth Liberation Front‘ set up barricades outside the Portland federal courthouse, dubbing it the “Chinook Land Autonomous Territory,” or CLAT.

Given the uninspired name cooked up by these overachievers, we offer a suggestion:

For starters, they could have more appropriately gone with the Chinook Unified National Territorial System, where unemployed degenerates can preach Chinook Region Autonomous Policies.

Perhaps you can add your own suggestions in the comments section below?

Courtesy of Zero Hedge


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