Sunday, May 05th, 2024

Breaking News



“We don’t have any plans for restrictions of the vaccinated population but will implement protective measures for the unvaccinated population,” Chancellor Sebastian Kurz told a press conference. That means, if you refuse to take the shot the ruling class desperately needs to get into every human being on Earth, you are about to have your illusion of freedom shattered – that is if it hasn’t already been.

With vaccination numbers stagnating at 60% and the constant propaganda to remind the public there’s a scamdemic they wouldn’t even know about if it weren’t for the mainstream media who tell us there’s a “rise in infection rates”, Austria was forced to introduce more restrictive measures.

According to Euractive, the government will introduce a three-phase plan to avoid a new pandemic wave that would include tightening measures for the unvaccinated if the occupancy rate of intensive care units increases. “We have to achieve the goal of keeping the occupancy rate of intensive care units low, avoid school closures and increase the vaccination quota,” Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein stressed.

Austria’s ruling class’s new strategy does not include plans for a lockdown. However, if a lockdown is issued, it will only apply to the unvaccinated, Kurz said.

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Joe Biden and his servants are going to announce new measures for the slaves in the United States too. These measures, according to Jen Psaki, will only apply to the unvaccinated as well. If you still somehow believe this was ever a “free country,” you’re about to have those illusions destroyed. They do not care about our health or our freedom. Only that we bow down, and serve the rulers.

Biden is expected to announce broad vaccine mandates where he can, and punish those who don’t bow to even further enslavement.

We expected this and knew this was coming:

Medical Journal: Get The COVID-19 Vaccine, Or Be Punished HARSHLY

If you are still deluded into believing that others have the right to rule just because people voted for them, you had better wake up, and soon. We are headed toward the most dystopian future that could be imagined if we don’t start to realize who and what the government is doing to everyone else.

Stay prepared and aware. This is getting ugly, and it will boil over at some point.

Article by Mac Slavo

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