Thursday, May 02nd, 2024

Breaking News



The United States government is finally fearing the public. US capital police have asked the Pentagon to provide National Guard troops to help cope with a protest over the treatment of the January 6th “insurrection” (which was anything but).

Even though the ruling class’s hired force has put up an unscalable fence to protect the US Capitol, they are still afraid of what the public could do. Be advised, however, that they expect to push people to the point of violence. It is imperative that we remain peaceful and not stoop to their levels. They want to provoke these protestors, which has become obvious.

An overwhelming security presence may help support the narrative that Trump has incited violent and racist insurrectionists, who are a paramount threat to American democracy. US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Wednesday that police had made “unprecedented preparations to address another attempt to defile our national purpose.” -RT

Remember what democracy is though. Democracy is mob rule. It’s the 51% ruling over the 49%. Any threats to a system like that should be welcomed. But the ruling class is determined to keep power at all costs.

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So far, there has been no indication that the protestors intend to be violent, yet the ruling class wants to provoke that response. That’s why it’s imperative to not play their game. Only about 700 people are expected to attend Saturday’s event, according to a Department of Homeland Security estimate, and organizers have asked protesters not to wear clothing or carry signs supporting either Trump or Biden. The rally will protest over the treatment of more than 600 people arrested in connection with the “Capitol riot.”

The interesting thing about this is that not this much action is taken against rioters who destroy private property. But if you dare to go onto government property (that we supposedly “own” because “we are the government”) you are treated like a hardened criminal. We has better come together and realize that government is slavery and the masters need you to think you are one of them. You are not. You are still their slave. Remember, slavery works best when the slaves think they are free.

Article by Mac Slavo

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