Saturday, May 04th, 2024

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March for Life cancels annual expo, demands vaccine compliance for indoor event, pushing same jabs that are murdering babies and causing spontaneous abortions

March for Life cancels annual expo, demands vaccine compliance for indoor event, pushing same jabs that are murdering babies and causing spontaneous abortions

(Natural News) The “pro-life” group March for Life has called off its annual Rose Dinner Gala expo “due to COVID related complications,” which we now know occurred because the group was demanding that attendees show proof of “vaccination” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

The March for Life website explained in a January 5 website update post that:

“In order to attend the Rose Dinner Gala or Capitol Hill 101, those 12 years and older must provide the Renaissance DC Downtown Hotel with proof of identification and either (1) proof of receiving one COVID shot by January 15; or (2) a medical or religious exemption together with proof of a negative COVID test within the last 24 hours.”

Keep in mind that Fauci Flu shots contain ingredients made from aborted human fetal tissue, which goes against everything March for Life claims to stand for.

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The event was scheduled to take place in Washington, which now has an indoor venue jab mandate. To stay compliant with it, March for Life reneged on its core values and sided with Mystery Babylon, to its detriment.

“All of the coronavirus injections currently available in the U.S. were developed and / or tested with cells from aborted babies,” reported LifeSiteNews.

“Many of the more than 60 exhibitors slated to have been present at the Expo have invested in plane tickets, hotel reservations, and produced promotional items to be handed out to the activists visiting their booths.”

March for Life has turned into a pro-death cult

Back in the fall, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò spoke out about how Chinese Virus injections are loaded with ingredients derived from murdered babies.

He further chastised the far-left Pope Francis for pushing the abortion-laced injections on Catholics and insisting that “Jesus” would want all of his people to get jabbed.

“A medical exemption needs to be in writing from a medical provider and must be accompanied by a negative COVID test in the last 24 hours,” March for Life explained on its website about the requirements that needed to be met in order to participate in its “pro-life” event.

“A religious exemption may be stated verbally or provided in writing and must be accompanied by a negative COVID test in the last 24 hours.”

“PCR, antigen, and other tests available at drugstores are approved. Pictures of negative tests and emails of confirmed negative results are acceptable. Due to high demand, we recommend purchasing a test soon and bringing it from home as tests may not be readily available in Washington, D.C.”

It is important to remember that Chinese Disease shots do not prevent infection or spread. At best, according to the government, they make symptoms “milder,” though there is really not proof to back this claim, either.

Most of the people getting sick now with “covid” are the “fully vaccinated,” which seems to prove the opposite of what the government claims. And yet March for Life has decided to embrace the lie and force its members to get injected or be rejected from attendance at its galas.

March for Life is also forcing attendees at its events to wear a mask “when not eating or drinking.”

“March for Life masks and hand sanitizer will be available at the Renaissance D.C. Downtown Hotel and Rally Site,” its website further states.

Interestingly, Washington, D.C.’s indoor venue vaccine mandate does not apply to houses of worship. It also allows for the “reasonable accommodation” of those with medical exemptions, though it does not specify what this means.

In essence, March for Life decided of its own volition to not provide reasonable accommodation, and when that backfired it simply canceled its annual event. So much for being pro-life.

More stories about Fauci Flu shot ingredients can be found at

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