Tuesday, May 07th, 2024

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Congressman: Peter Strzok Knew ‘Foreign Entity’ – Not Russia – Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Emails – Did Nothing

After going after FBI agent Peter Strzok earlier this week during testimony before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees on Thursday, Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) followed up by saying that Strzok not only knew that a foreign entity had hacked Hillary Clinton’s emails, but that he did nothing about it.

In an interview on Thursday on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with Breitbart Senior Editors-at-Large Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak, Gohmert said that the “foreign entity” was not the Russian state, but that it had intercepted over 30,000 emails that were either sent to or from Hillary Clinton using while she used her illegal email server in violation of federal law.

“The real news… should have been big news to Strzok, when he heard it so far, so long ago from the intelligence community’s inspector general — the investigator for the inspector general, Frank Rucker… a brilliant patriot, but he was sent by the Intelligence Community Inspector General Chuck McCullough to brief the FBI, because when they found what they found they went, ‘We’ve got to get this to the FBI immediately,’ because they knew it was a security threat to the country, and what they found was that in the emails — 30,000-plus emails that had gone through Hillary Clinton’s server — they found an anomaly, and they forensically examined it, and found was that there was an email address that every time an email was sent or received by Hillary Clinton, this little embedded [and] compartmentalized piece of data ordered that email sent to a third-party that happens to be a foreign entity, and we’re not talking any relationship to Russia, and so when they realized over 30,000 of her emails — and this had been news earlier this year — that it was that same intel IG office that were the first ones to point out that there was a great deal of classified information on that private server because the FBI had reported, ‘No classified information, at all. No classified emails,’ and when the IG looked at it — and I’m not talking about [Michael] Horowitz, I’m talking about a legitimate IG — they were awestruck because there wasn’t just classified, there was really top-secret stuff, and then further that was exacerbated by the fact she would have the president’s daily security briefing, it contains the most delicate, highest-level security information that the United States of America has, and it’s for presidents’ eyes, but Hillary was having it sent to her home server and having a house guy that worked for were with zero, no clearance whatsoever, printing that out,” he said.

When asked whether or not the Inspector General informed the FBI that Clinton’s emails contained the “anomaly” he mentioned and that it was tied to a “foreign entity,” Gohmert replied that Rucker informed Strzok.

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“You know good and well had that been you and the intelligence community’s inspector general comes in, and he’s really shaken, he says, ‘Guys, the IG sent me over to let you know immediately,” Gohmert said. “We have found that every one of the 30,000-plus emails that were sent to Hillary Clinton on a private server and received from Hillary Clinton through her private server were sent to a foreign entity.’ You know good and well, if that’s you, and you’re just told, holy cow, all of this, whether it’s the president’s daily briefings, different things coming in there to her private residence, and all of that stuff — some of it top secret — is going to another country’s, another entity’s [possession]. … [Strzok] gives the little smirk and says, ‘I know I met with Frank Rucker a couple of times, but I just don’t recall what he said.’ You don’t think you’d recall being told 30,000 of Hillary Clinton’s emails were going to an enemy?”

The Texas congressman then said that the FBI knew exactly who intercepted the emails and it was not the Russians.

Joel Pollak then asked Gohmert about questioning Strzok about his adultery with Lisa Page and pointing out what a convincing liar he must have been to his wife, Gohmert replied, “When you see somebody that’s that good at lying, you have to wonder.”

“In trial courts, and I’ve been prosecutor, defense attorney, judge, I know how it goes and we protect our juries, we’re very careful what they get to hear, but a witness’s credibility is always relevant, it’s always material, and if somebody’s been a consummate liar, and the jury is trying to figure out: the guy saying this stuff, it doesn’t make sense, and he’s saying it with such a straight face, and you have an explanation for how good he got at telling lies with a straight face,” he added. “Sure, it’s relevant, it’s material, it’s germane, and it’s a fair question even in a criminal trial.”

While Democrats lost their minds over Gohmert’s direction of comments regarding Strzok’s adultery, the fact is that his behavior opened him up to being manipulated or blackmailed.

“We’ve been told before [that] if you’re in a top secret security clearance and you have an affair, there’s a good chance you’re going to lose your security clearance because that’s one of the things our intel people use to confront somebody from another country to try to turn them; if it’s going to be an embarrassment if your wife finds out, then if you give us this or do that then we don’t have to tell your wife about what you’re doing,” said Gohmert. “So it is a dangerous situation… when you’re number two in the [FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s emails]. Are you kidding me?”

Gohmert didn’t seem very confident in FBI Director Christopher Wray’s ability to recover any semblance of a reputation for the FBI. He acknowledged that Wray seemed like a “decent guy,” but that he was more concerned with defending the FBI rather than getting rid of people like Peter Strzok.

While I agree with all the things that Gohmert has said here, we all know that what is on display right now is nothing more than a dog and pony show. Mark my words, the same thing that came from Congress on Operation Fast and Furious, the IRS targeting,Benghazi, Extortion 17 and a host of other scandals during the Obama usurpation will be the same thing that comes from this. Nothing.

Listen to the interview below.

Courtesy of Freedom Outpost

Tim Brown is an author and Editor at FreedomOutpost.com, SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. He is husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab and Steemit

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