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Politifact Provides “Pants On Fire” Cover For Obama’s “First Sitting American President to Come From Kenya” Comment

Politifact Provides “Pants On Fire” Cover For Obama’s “First Sitting American President to Come From Kenya” Comment

Politifact is much like Snopes, often providing cover for people that they align with politically. They will often present certain information and neglect other information on a particular item they are writing about. I’m rating the latest response to Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah’s claim that he is “the First Sitting American President to Come From Kenya” by Politifact “Pants on Fire.”

Politifact took on a story that I wrote on earlier this week, involving Obama’s recent trip to Kenya and his statement in which he said that he was “‘the First Sitting American President to Come From Kenya.”

Of course, they didn’t reference my work, but that of

According to Politifact:

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Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961, to Barack Obama Sr., who is Kenyan, and Ann Dunham, of Kansas.

Now, the only thing they have to establish that is a known liar’s word and documented fraudulent documents that Obama has provided. Basically, they have no evidence of anything they stated except that. Would that pass scrutiny in a court of law? No, and that’s why courts have never taken the case concerning Obama’s eligibility.

Politifact continues:

The clip from the grand opening of the center in Kogelo shows him saying, “Three years ago, I visited Kenya as the first sitting American president to come from Kenya.”

He’s talking about a July 2015 trip to Kenya and Ethiopia for the annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit.

Obama did use those words (check the 5:50-minute mark of this video). But it doesn’t support the impression the article gives, which is that birther claims should be re-investigated because Obama admitted he “comes from Kenya.” The article frames his comment as a “slip.”

The article takes his statement of being “from” somewhere to mean that he literally grew up there. Obama has denied being born outside of the United States on several occasions.

Well, Obama denied he was coming after Americans’ guns too, but what did he aim for immediately after Sandy Hook? Hmmm? Obama said you could keep your doctor and insurance plan under Obamacare, but what actually happened, Politifact? Hmmm?

While Politifact claims they have debunked the Kenyan birth certificate put out by Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, it never has demonstrated that authenticity of the birth certificate that Obama posted on the White House website, which has now been removed under the current administration.

Politifact has never addressed the Kenyan Parliament, which on several occasions has referenced that Obama is a “native Kenyan, a son of Kenyan soil.

In fact, Politifact didn’t rate the article they were writing about as “pants on fire,” but “mostly false.”

Politifact has never demonstrated that Obama was with either born in the States or born to Barack Obama, Sr., for that matter.

Politifact has never been able to conclusively refute the forensic evidence that the birth certificate they cite is a fraudulent document.

They have not addressed why Kenyans welcome Obama “home” when he visits there.

There are numerous things I could list here that neither they, nor the mainstream media will actually investigate and put forth to the public.

While Politifact claims that the article is mostly false and then attempts to say that what Obama meant was that his heritage is from Kenya, they openly acknowledge, “We reached out to Obama’s adviser Eric Schultz for a comment and received no response.”

So, let’s be honest, Politifact is speculating at this point, not providing “fact.” I give their little cover article “Pants on Fire” because it is presenting itself as though it is refuting the claim of the author with facts, while it is merely parroting what it has been told with not a single shred of evidence.

Article posted with permission from The Washington Standard

Tim Brown is an author and Editor at,, and He is husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab and Steemit

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