Sunday, May 05th, 2024

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Numbskull CNN Analyst Jeffrey Toobin Claims Racism, Says Antifa is “African-American”

Numbskull CNN Analyst Jeffrey Toobin Claims Racism, Says Antifa is “African-American”

CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin reacted to President Trump’s warning that Antifa was planning violence after the mid-terms by asserting it was racist to criticize Antifa because they’re “widely perceived as an African-American organization.”

Yes, really.

Earlier on Tuesday, a private conversation between Trump and Christian ministers was leaked in which Trump warned of dire consequences if Republicans lost the mid-terms.

“They will overturn everything that we’ve done and they’ll do it quickly and violently. And violently. There’s violence. When you look at Antifa, and you look at some of these groups, these are violent people,” Trump reportedly said.

CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin reacted by claiming, “The theme here is, I’m Donald Trump and I’ll protect you from the scary black people.”

“Antifa is widely perceived as an African-American organization….this is about black versus white, this is about Donald Trump’s appeal to racism and it just happens all the time and we don’t say it enough for what it is, but that’s what’s going on,” he added.

A quick perusal of images of arrested Antifa members confirms that the group is overwhelmingly white and that Jeffrey Toobin is a race-baiting idiot.


Reaction to Toobin’s absurd statement was swift.

“This is so incredibly false that it’s unbelievable. Antifa is overwhelmingly white af,” remarked Cassandra Fairbanks.

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“Antifa has protested and attacked my events for 2 years now,” said Jack Posobiec. “One Antifa is in jail for assaulting me. I’ve never even seen a black member of Antifa.”

“This is super-racist,” said Will Chamberlain. “@JeffreyToobin simply assumes, wrongly, that left-wing street violence is committed by black people. How incredibly patronizing.”

“THIS IS WHOLLY FALSE. Antifa is super white. You lily white lying son of a bitch,” remarked Ali Alexander.

“Not only is the staff @CNN complicit in pushing fake news. They are also professional race baiters,” said Rob Dew.

“I’ve literally NEVER seen a minority member of Antifa. Ever! Even when they’ve repeatedly called me racial slurs for being a minority conservative. I would recommend @JeffreyToobin stop lying to CNN viewers, but I suppose they’re already used to it,” tweeted Richard Mills.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

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