Wednesday, May 01st, 2024

Breaking News

I’m still here fighting, where the Hell did everyone else go?

I’m still here fighting, where the Hell did everyone else go?

Yesterday I announced the opening of The Conservative Free Speech Zone and no one has stepped up YET. So I’ll gladly go first. I always have opinions to share. Do you?

I look around today and wonder where all the Facebook Conservatives went…

I’ve been raising my voice on Facebook for as long as I’ve been a member.

In that time I’ve been suspended multiple times for violating their precious community guidelines. I’ve had posts blocked and removed regularly. I’ve seen pages taken down and friends kicked off of the platform completely.

But none of that matters because I am still here and I AM HERE TO FIGHT.

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For the last several months I have seen post after post like these…

I am leaving Facebook for…

I am leaving Facebook for MeWe…

I am leaving Facebook for Minds…

You know what I think every time I see one of those posts?

There is another quitter. That is another loser. Thank God I found out now that she has no backbone and I can’t trust her to have my back in a fight.

That’s what we are in folks. This is a fight. Conservatives are needed on Facebook now more than ever.

When the going get tough, the tough increase their intensity.

They do not go running off to a conservative safe zone to preach to the choir. The choir is already firmly in our camp folks. We need warriors who are not afraid to get out there and face the enemy.

What are you afraid of? That someone won’t agree with you?

If liberal trolls and people who honestly disagree with you hurt your little feelings, then you are just as bad as the censors at Facebook. You can’t stand to listen to anything you don’t agree with. You don’t want to argue your case and change minds.

Unfortunately you don’t have the same power of enforcement, because wouldn’t life be grand if you could block every single person out of your life that does not agree with you?

Sounds kind of lonely and very weak-minded to me.

Free speech applies to all and not just those you agree with.

You can not engage the enemy if you run away from them.

That’s what they want.

Facebook wants conservatives to leave.

Those that stay are supposed to play by the rules and go back to posting their LOLCat pictures.

“Shut your mouth and don’t make waves,” says Big Brother.

Every time another conservative walks away from Facebook we have given them another small victory. We have given them exactly what they want.

Any time another conservative starts playing by their rules and starts posting cat pictures, instead of what is truly important, they have won another round.

I have been posting twice as much in recent weeks because the censorship is insane. I have to post twice as much to get half as much through. That’s just how it is.

Whenever they take down someone like Alex Jones it doesn’t really phase me. It’s not that I’m stupid. I know I could be next.

But what I do know is that, while I am here, I will continue to fight.

As for Alex Jones, he sort of stopped fighting and started bending some time back. His long-time fans know that.

The result?

They silenced him anyway.

He tried to invent a kinder and gentler Alex Jones and they took him out anyway.

The more you give, the more they take.

So I won’t give them a thing.

When they take me out it will be for the guy I am and not some pansy who started to give in to them but lost anyway.

As they clamp down harder, I will get louder.

And if they kick me off I will find a way to be their worst nightmare.

What about you?

Are you still in for the fight, or are you going to leave us like everyone else seems to be doing?

We need you.

–Dean Garrison

The Conservative Free Speech Zone is now open to all. (Yes, even liberals) Write what you want and as long as there is not EXCESSIVE profanity or threats to physically harm others, we will probably print it, space permitting. Keep it relevant to a largely conservative audience. The author of this post is responsible for their own words and the ideas and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views of the publishing sites at DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry. Submissions are to include “Conservative Free Speech Zone” in the subject and are to be sent via email to: 150 words minimum. Please tell us what name you wish to use, even if you wish to remain anonymous.

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