Thursday, May 02nd, 2024

Breaking News

Homeland Security Warns Central America: “The United States Will Use EVERY Available Measure To Prevent Your Illegal Entry”

Homeland Security Warns Central America: “The United States Will Use EVERY Available Measure To Prevent Your Illegal Entry”

The migrant caravan heading towards the U.S. border appears to be growing in number by the day.

Despite warnings from President Trump to leaders of Central American countries that he would cut financial aid if they failed to act, the caravan’s numbers are growing, having reportedly reached 4,000 or more people on Wednesday.

Following criticism from open border proponents who say stopping the caravan is a human rights issue that will inevitably lead to child separations, Trump took a hard line, suggesting he may utilize the United States military to secure the border from the large wave of migrants.

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On Wednesday U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen echoed the President’s warnings and issued a direct message to her counterparts, namely those in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras.

I have been calling my foreign counterparts again today to notify them that we expect decisive action regarding irregular migrant “caravans,” that inaction will not be tolerated, and to warn that illegal entry into the US is a crime.

For those attempting to illegally enter as part of any ‘caravan’, please know we will enforce our border security laws and that the United States will use every available measure to prevent your illegal entry.

Ultimately, the solution is in the hands of Congress. If they don’t act to close loopholes and fully fund the wall, our hands will remain tied, smugglers and traffickers will continue to exploit people for profit, and our homeland will be less secure.

With the 2018 mid-term elections just three weeks away, it appears that Democrats are positioning the migrant caravan as the key issue in an attempt to sway voters.

Emotionally charged statements suggesting children will be ripped from their parents’ arms by the Trump administration are making there way across the leftist echo chambers on social media.

What they fail to mention is that the migrants, as noted by Secretary Nielsen, would clearly violate Federal laws by entering the United States without authorization. Under the Constitution, according to Karl Denninger, the President would be compelled to act.

Donald Trump has long argued for strong borders. He has made it clear to Central American leaders that if they do not act, he will.

Mexico has already begun mobilizing riot troops, but whether they’ll turn the migrants back to their home country of Honduras remains to be seen.

If they fail to do so, and this migrant caravan continues to increase its numbers, there is a strong chance President Trump will use this as an opportunity to show his strength on border security and illegal immigration.

This is the reality of it:

The President of the United States has clearly indicated his intention to shut down the southern border using whatever means the United States deems appropriate, including the use of force. He’s not playing around. You’d think the left would have figured that out by now.

Courtesy of

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