Saturday, May 04th, 2024

Breaking News

False Flag? Another ‘Suspicious Package’ – This One Was Sent To Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

False Flag? Another ‘Suspicious Package’ – This One Was Sent To Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

Update #1:

An observant Twitter user pointed out something interesting…

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Another suspicious package was sent – this time, to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the embattled former Democratic National Committee chairperson who worked to get Hillary Clinton the Democratic nomination for president over socialist Bernie Sanders.

This news comes shortly after suspicious packages were addressed to Hillary Clinton, George Soros, the CNN headquarters, and former President Barack Obama. CNN, of course, had time to announce someone sent them a suspicious package before being forced to evacuate the New York Time Warner center.

President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence both condemned the attempted bombings, with Pence saying these “despicable” acts have “no place in our country” and Trump adding that he agreed “wholeheartedly.”

But others are already claiming this could be a false flag. After all, several powerful liberals and left-leaning CNN are getting suspicious packages in the days before the election, yet none of the bombs detonated.

Zerohedge continues to monitor the situation and is currently posting updates as they receive them. Please click here to follow this news on the Zerohedge website.

In the meantime, is it possible that this is a false flag? It isn’t like one has never happened before, and the timing is impeccable. Suddenly, no is talking about the massive caravan of Honduran illegal immigrants that was sinking the Democrats.

But perhaps this is why Alex Jones continues to be censored on social media, as some speculate:

The article below was written back in August by Mike Adams of Natural News.

We are living under an Orwellian totalitarian regime beyond any horrific imagination. Google, Apple, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other tech giants are engaged in the most criminal, malicious racketeering and tyranny imaginable. This is not sheer coincidence. They’ve all been ordered to censor the independent media in preparation for what’s coming next. As I explain in this video, the most likely false flag assault to be staged by the Left might be a “mass shooting” at CNN or another media giant, all staged with impressive theatrics to augment the real violence with a false narrative. -Mike Adams, Natural News

The mainstream media is not reporting on the possibility of this being a false flag, but why would they? Instead, they are attempting to discredit anyone who has the guts to suggest that it could be. After all, it’s not like the U.S. has never stooped so low as to set up false flags

How strange that Alex Jones is silenced and censored just before his prediction of an “October surprise” event occurs. Coincidence? Many think not.

Courtesy of

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