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Photo Captures Keith Ellison Hanging Out With Portland ANTIFA Leader Luis Enrique Marquez

Photo Captures Keith Ellison Hanging Out With Portland ANTIFA Leader Luis Enrique Marquez

Following a push by Minneapolis Police encouraging voters not to vote for Keith Ellison, aka Hakim Muhammad, photographs were obtained by investigative journalist Laura Loomer showing the accused woman abuser striking a pose with Portland seditionist and ANTIFA leader Luis Enrique Marquez.

First, just listen to the Minneapolis Police to understand who Minnesota is dealing with in Keith Ellison.

“Minnesota the choice is clear: Keith Ellison’s anti-law enforcement views are disqualifying. Mr. Ellison has a long history of supporting cop killers,” said Lt. Bob Kroll, president of the Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis.

Laura Loomer then reports on Ellison’s connection to Marquez:

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As a result of his criminal actions as the leader of Portland ANTIFA, Luis Enrique Marquez was booked into the Multnomah County Jail and Conditionally released June 30, 2018 having been charged with two counts of theft (one 2nd degree and one 3rd degree) and 3rd degree assault per Jail Employee ID 93275.

“City and federal law enforcement officers arrested nine people in downtown Portland Saturday during competing rallies that law enforcement officials ultimately declared a riot due to violence. Portland’s Rose City Antifa and Vancouver’s Patriot Prayer were the primary groups involved,” the Portland Patch reported in June.

Luis Enrique Marquez was one of those nine people arrested in what police described as violent protests.

Luis Enrique Marquez not only has a history of arrests, but he is the subject of several YouTube videos which display his ANTIFA associations and violent behavior. Again, this is who Keith Ellison was spotted hanging out with at the Minnesota State Fair. Sources who wish to remain anonymous for the sake of their safety told Big League Politics that Ellison spent over an hour with Luis Enrique Marquez, whose next court date is scheduled for November 28, 2018 according to Multnomah Court employee Anthony Tran.

Heres’ some of Marquez’s criminal activity caught on video.

Loomer adds:

It is unclear how Ellison, who has himself called for violent riots composed of Islamists and ANTIFA to “stop Trump” is in any way whatsoever qualified to be Minnesota’s Attorney General.

While campaigning for the Democrats last year, Ellison said, “Trump must be stopped, and people power is what we have at our disposal to make him stop. We need mass rallies. We need them all over the country. We need them in Texas. We need them in D.C. We need them in Minnesota.”

ANTIFA, which has been classified by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as a Left wing domestic terrorist organization, is often present at those rallies Ellison and his DNC colleagues have called for and organized. There are countless instances, many of which have been caught on camera, of ANTIFA members violently assaulting Trump supporters and journalists in public. In 2017, it was also revealed that the FBI has been investigating members of ANTIFA who they say have been traveling to the Middle East to train with ISIS in an effort to plan for the destruction of President Trump.

Despite being classified as a terrorist organization, Ellison tweeted a picture of himself posing with the official ANTIFA handbook, saying, “At @MoonPalaceBooks and I just found the book that strike fear in the heart of @realDonaldTrump.”

Combined with his refusal to take his oath on a US Constitution, along with his personal associations with ANTIFA, Ellison ought to be disqualified from the Attorney General race, as it is entirely unsafe and unreasonable for Minnesota’s top cop to have personal ties to members of both domestic and foreign terrorist organizations. Along with his support of domestic ANTIFA terrorists, Ellison is also tied associated with Linda Sarsour and Louis Farakkhan.

As if all of this evidence backed up by actual photographs isn’t enough to make one see how unfit Ellison is for serving as Minnesota Attorney General, Luis Enrique Marquez, who was reported to have spent a lengthy amount of time hanging out with Ellison at the Minnesota State Fair was also pictured waving a communist hammer and sickle flag.

Indeed, when you even have the Minneapolis Police warning people about voting for Muslim Hakim Muhammad, that should tell you all you need to know.

Courtesy of Freedom Outpost

Tim Brown is an author and Editor at,, and He is husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab and Steemit

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