Sunday, May 05th, 2024

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The Jihad in Michigan That No One Noticed

The Jihad in Michigan That No One Noticed

A Muslim migrant named Amor Ftouhi is on trial now for his June 2017 stabbing of police officer Lt. Jeff Neville at Bishop International Airport in Flint, Michigan. The case has, unsurprisingly, received hardly any establishment media attention, and that may be because it is such a quintessential example of jihad: Ftouhi screamed “Allahu akbar” as he stabbed Neville in the neck (as commanded in Qur’an 47:4, “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks”) and has since then made numerous statements making it abundantly clear that he stabbed Neville because of his Islamic faith. Hard to ascribe this one to “mental illness.”

At Ftouhi’s trial on Thursday, according to MLive, FBI Special Agent Shadi Elreda, one of the agents who interrogated Ftouhi, testified: “He asked us if the officer was dead. I responded with ‘I didn’t know.’ He put his head down and was crying. He said his intention was to kill the officer….He said that he was here for his mission — his mission was to kill a United States government employee. His mission was to kill and be killed. He said his mission was not over. He said he would have a better chance of success and enter into heaven. He said they needed to act against the enemies of Allah. He blamed the United States government for their support of Israel.”

He cried because he failed. “His mission was to kill and be killed.” Why was that his mission? Because the Qur’an promises Paradise to those who kill and are killed: “Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties, for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed.” (9:111)

He didn’t kill, and he wasn’t killed, so he failed doubly. He did, however, try to fix one aspect of that: “Elreda told the court that Ftouhi asked Elreda to kill him multiple times during the interrogation.”

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Elreda also recounted that Ftouhi “said there was significance in an international airport — that the whole world would see what he did. He wanted all the Muslims to see what he did — to not be afraid and to act against the enemy.”

MLive further reported that “Ftouhi told investigators he visited a few mosques in Flint before heading to Bishop Airport.” What? He visited mosques? But…jihad violence has nothing to do with Islam! Isn’t that what the “experts” always tell us?

Ftouhi also “wrote in the will that he has loved his wife for 20 years, but his love for Jihad was stronger. ‘This is what a Muslim is born for,’ Maryse Robert, a federal investigator with the Royal Canadian Police said Ftouhi’s will stated. ‘You have been a good wife for more than 20 years. My love for God Almighty and the jihad for his sake is greater. I suggest that you use the life insurance policy to return to Tunisia.’”

Where did Ftouhi get the idea that a Muslim was “born” in order to try to kill Infidels? Are “moderate Muslims” in Michigan going to visit him in prison and explain to him the true, peaceful Islam?

In reality, of course, what Amor Ftouhi believes is taught in numerous mosques all over the world. All the mainstream Islamic sects and schools of jurisprudence teach the necessity for Muslims to wage war against and subjugate unbelievers. Amor Ftouhi’s beliefs are not eccentric and didn’t spring from nowhere, but no Western authorities want to face the implications of that.

Ftouhi, MLive also tells us, “grew up in Tunisia and told federal agents he was in the North African country and celebrated following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States.” When he was admitted to the United States, no one would have dared ask him what he thought of 9/11. The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) would have immediately initiated an “Islamophobia” lawsuit, and the responsible official would have been publicly humiliated and probably lost his or her job.

And so those charges of “Islamophobia” were avoided and Ftouhi was admitted into the country, only to join the ever-lengthening list of Muslim migrants who have committed acts of jihad violence in their land of refuge. A few examples: Somali Muslim migrant Mohammad Barry in February 2016 stabbed multiple patrons at a restaurant owned by an Israeli Arab Christian; Ahmad Khan Rahami, an Afghan Muslim migrant, in September 2016 set off bombs in New York City and New Jersey; Arcan Cetin, a Turkish Muslim migrant, in September 2016 murdered five people in a mall in Burlington, Washington; Dahir Adan, another Somali Muslim migrant, in October 2016 stabbed mall shoppers in St. Cloud while screaming “Allahu akbar”; and Abdul Razak Artan, yet another Somali Muslim migrant, in November 2016 injured nine people with car and knife attacks at Ohio State University. 72 jihad terrorists have come to the U.S. from the countries listed in Trump’s initial immigration ban.

A migrant. “Allahu akbar.” Striking the neck. Crying that his victim wasn’t dead. Wanting to leave an example for Muslims worldwide. Celebrating 9/11. Visiting mosques before his jihad attack. Saying a Muslim was born to commit acts of jihad violence. No wonder the establishment media won’t tell you about Amor Ftouhi.

Courtesy of Freedom Outpost

Article posted with permission from Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and author of the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Iran. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

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