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Tucker: Dems’ Message to Americans on Immigration is ‘Shut Up, You’re Dying, We’re Going to Replace You’

Tucker: Dems’ Message to Americans on Immigration is ‘Shut Up, You’re Dying, We’re Going to Replace You’

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Tuesday night that mass immigration advocates message to Americans is essentially “shut up, you’re dying, we’re gonna replace you.”

Tucker was responding to immigration advocate Luis Miranda saying retiring and aging baby boomers are able to be replaced “because of immigration.”

“You say our population is aging, we are not reproducing ourselves, why do you think that is?” Tucker Carslson asked.

“Nobody seems to pause and ask why can’t young Americans afford to get married and have children, afford to buy homes and cars and their solution, the elite’s solution, is we’ll just bring in new people,” Tucker said. “What about the Americans, the young people, the 30-year-old American who can’t afford to have kids? Does anybody care about that person? Maybe there is a real problem — I never hear that person addressed ever.”

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You can also see Tucker’s epic opening rant which Fox News chose not to upload to their website or to YouTube below:

Partial transcript:

LUIS MIRANDA: Our population is aging. We have baby boomers retiring. And a lot of the people that we are able to replace in the economy are because of immigration now. We want to do that ideally in a legal and an orderly fashion.

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Can I stop you there and ask you a question. No, no. Hold on. I need to ask this question. You say our population is aging. We are not reproducing ourselves. Why do you think that is? Nobody seems to pause and ask why can’t young Americans afford to get married and have children, afford to buy homes and cars and their solution, the elite’s solution, is we’ll just bring in new people. What about the Americans, the young people, the 30-year-old American who can’t afford to have kids? Does anybody care about that person? Maybe there is a real problem — I never hear that person addressed ever.

MIRANDA: It’s an industrialized country issue more than it has to do with–

CARLSON: I’m an American. Hold on. I’m an American. Okay so my concern is for my fellow Americans. And they can’t afford to have children. But rather than fix their problems or even think about them we are like we’ll just import new children. Does that seem like a sort of ass backward way to approach it?

But hold on. No, no. You just said we need to bring in people because Americans aren’t reproducing in sufficient numbers. And my question is why aren’t our leaders thinking about how our people can afford to have children? They don’t even consider that a subject worth studying. Much less trying to fix. It’s just like oh, well, they are not having enough kids. Why doesn’t anyone care enough?

MIRANDA: Those are not mutually exclusive things.

CARLSON: No, no, you are saying our low birthrates are a justification for immigration. I’m saying our low birthrates are a tragedy that say something awful about our economy and the selfish stupidity of our leaders, but you don’t seem to care.

Maybe someone should care about them. A little bit. It’s the most important thing, nothing is even close to as important as that. I’m not demonizing anybody. I’m not against immigrants, I’m just for Americans, and nobody cares about them. It’s like, shut up, you’re dying, we’re going to replace you.

The same sentiment Tucker described was echoed last year by Hispanic ACLU activist Luis Nolasco, who was filmed telling a group of older white people in Rialto, California they should have no say in how the town their forefathers founded is governed because they’re a dwindling minority that only has “five years left.”

Incidentally, Max Boot, Jennifer Rubin and Bill Kristol have also addressed the topic by saying “contemptible,” “lazy,” “spoiled” Americans should be replaced by “hard-working” immigrants.

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