Monday, May 06th, 2024

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Democrats Unveil The Stupidest 10-Year-Plan In The History Of The World

Democrats Unveil The Stupidest 10-Year-Plan In The History Of The World

The Democrats’ “Green New Deal” is so stupid you have to applaud Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for having the temerity to release it to the public.


This morning, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released an overview of the Democrat “Green New Deal” which threatens “a massive transformation of our society.”

Below are the details of the proposal.

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Rebuild every single building in the U.S.

“Upgrade or replace every building in US for state-of-the-art energy efficiency.”

Will end all traditional forms of energy in the next ten years.

The Green New Deal is “a 10-year plan to mobilize every aspect of American society at a scale not seen since World War 2 to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.”

Plans to ban nuclear energy within 10 years if possible.

“It’s unclear if we will be able to decommission every nuclear plant within 10 years, but the plan is to transition off of nuclear and all fossil fuels as soon as possible.”

Build trains across oceans and end all air travel!

“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”.

Don’t invest in new technology of Carbon Capture and Storage, just plant trees instead!

“We believe the right way to capture carbon is to plant trees and restore our natural ecosystems. CCUS technology to date has not proven effective.”

Mandates all new jobs be unionized.

“Ensure that all GND jobs are union jobs that pay prevailing wages and hire local.”

May include a carbon tax.

“We’re not ruling a carbon tax out, but a carbon tax would be a tiny part of a Green New Deal.”

May include cap and trade.

“…Cap and trade may be a tiny part of the larger Green New Deal plan.”

How much will it cost?

No estimate of the total cost of implementing the Green New deal is offered by Ocasio-Cortez.

However, as Ocasio-Cortez admits, “even if every billionaire and company came together and were willing to pour all the resources at their disposal into this investment, the aggregate value of the investments they could make would not be sufficient.”

She does provide one estimate that the cost to “repair and upgrade infrastructure U.S. infrastructure” alone will cost “$4.6 trillion at minimum.”

How will it be paid for? Don’t worry about that.

Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t provide any insight into how the trillions of dollars in spending will be paid for other than claiming, “The Federal Reserve can extend credit to power these projects and investments and new public banks can be created to extend credit”.

But as Ocasio-Cortez says, “the question isn’t how will we pay for it, but what will we do with our new shared prosperity”.

Where do you even start?

Let’s start with the one good part: planting trees instead of wasting billions on pointless Carbon Capture and Storage is a good idea.

Next, the neutral: printing money to pay for giant public works projects.

That’s Hitler’s economics, but whatever. Germany did become a superpower in just a few short years after having most of their country turned to rubble in WW1 (whether their public works projects alone were the cause is disputed), but spending trillions on this cockamamie plan would just be insane.

Now, on to the worst of the worst.

Nuclear power is quite possibly the greatest form of energy ever created and it has zero emissions. That’s why people who are not morons, like Bill Gates, are getting behind it as the “solution” to our so-called “climate crisis.”

I would highly recommend watching these two speeches from nuclear physicist Galen Winsor where he literally eats uranium to demonstrate how we’ve been lied to about the dangers of nuclear power.

Winsor worked on multiple nuclear power plants and got tons of exposure to radiation but died at the ripe old age of 82 of Parkinson’s, which is not radiation related. Winsor went on a speaking tour throughout the US in the 1980’s where he ate uranium repeatedly.

He also said he swam in spent fuel pools and took a 2 liter bottle of the spent fuel pool water to drink for other similar demonstrations.

He insisted the whole nuclear scare was a total scam by Big Oil to crush their competition and politicians went along with it because they were being bought off or believed the propaganda.

I don’t know whether or not everything he says is true, but regardless the nuclear power plants today are built to standards Mr. Winsor would no doubt find completely ridiculous (at a much higher cost) but are nonetheless the most shockingly brilliant Sci-Fi-esque devices ever created by man.

One plant in Ontario, Canada serves a city of two million people and can run 24-hours a day, 365 days a year:

These nuclear power plants are basically just steam engines which use pellets of uranium as fuel to create heat.

Power is created through a controlled chain reaction, the efficiency of which is unparalleled.

Contrary to public perceptions, nuclear power plants are actually safer than other forms of energy:

The biggest panics in recent times were Three Miles Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima.

Three Miles Island was put back to work years ago, though the costs are just marginally too high to keep it running, probably due to extensive regulations. Natural gas is somewhat cheaper as a result of the fracking boom.

It was reported in 2015 that wildlife is “thriving” in Chernobyl without any issues even though we were told it would be a nuclear wasteland for potentially thousands of years.

People regularly go on tours of Chernobyl just for fun.

As Forbes reported last year, no one has died due to Fukushima and cancer rates are not any higher among among those who worked on the recovery:

[T]he radiation workers in Japan, including Fukushima, as with all radworkers around the world, do not have any more cancers than the general population. The people around Fukushima do not have any more cancers than the general population and never will. They never got enough of a dose.

A real “Green New Deal” which could be worth printing money for would be building nuclear power plants all over the US.

Tearing everything down to rebuild it as part of a jobs program and wasting potentially trillions on hugely inefficient solar and wind — which require exceedingly scarce rare earth minerals mostly controlled by China — is a sick joke.

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