Friday, May 03rd, 2024

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Two DEMOCRAT GOVERNORS declare WAR ON AMERICA, pull National Guard from Southern Border, open the flood gates for continued ILLEGAL INVASION

Two DEMOCRAT GOVERNORS declare WAR ON AMERICA, pull National Guard from Southern Border, open the flood gates for continued ILLEGAL INVASION

(Natural News) Americans who continue to hold out hope that Leftist Democrats are going to compromise with POTUS Donald Trump and Republicans over border security legislation that includes funding adequate enough to construct the kind of physical fencing or walls necessary to thwart illegal immigration and drug smuggling are living in a fantasy world.

It’s not going to happen.

Never mind that once upon a time Democrats appeared to support border security when they voted for legislation that funded the construction of hundreds of miles of fencing and substantial barriers. That was then. The Democratic Party today is not the same as it was even just a few years ago. Today, it is openly anti-American, brazen in its disdain not just for the president but the legions of voters who put him in office.

Today’s Democrat Party has much more affinity for illegal aliens than American citizens, including their own constituents — who don’t appear ‘savvy’ enough to figure that out.

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Case in point: Two Democrat governors just ordered their National Guard forces to withdraw from the U.S.-Mexico border where they were assisting other Guard forces, active duty troops, and Border Patrol agents to secure our country. Govs. Gavin Newsom of California and Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico have proclaimed there is no ‘crisis’ on the border and that POTUS Trump is simply “fear-mongering” over the issue that a national emergency exists there. More on that in a moment.

“New Mexico will not take part in the president’s charade of border fear-mongering by misusing our diligent National Guard troops,” Grisham announced just hours before the president gave his State of the Union Address (which was needlessly delayed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi).

Adding that she will allow some troops to remain to provide “humanitarian assistance,” she added, “I recognize and appreciate the legitimate concerns of residents and officials in southwestern New Mexico, particularly Hidalgo County, who have asked for our assistance, as migrants and asylum-seekers continue to appear at their doorstep.”

Because Democrats only practice groupthink, Newsom said nearly the same thing in ordering his Guard troops to withdraw.

“The border ’emergency’ is a manufactured crisis,” Newsom said a week after Grisham pulled New Mexico forces. “And California will not be part of this political theater.”

The president may have to declare an emergency and arrest some traitor governors

The decision by these two Left-wing extremist governors to pull Guard troops away from the border at a time when they are sorely needed also explains why congressional Democrats are going all-in to oppose efforts by the White House and Republicans to negotiate continued funding for a portion of the federal government that includes border wall funding: They cannot allow Trump to succeed in shutting off their supply of prospective voters.

They are willing to let the government shut down again (like they did last time) after the three-week stopgap funding bill the president signed late last month expires because illegal aliens streaming into the country (and becoming Democrat supporters eventually) is much more important to them than the safety, security, and sanctity of our republic and its people. (Related: ANALYSIS: To save America, Trump must declare a “New American Revolution.”)

It’s really no more difficult to understand than that.

As for the claim by both Newsom and Grisham that the border isn’t in crisis, that is flat-out wrong. A recent assessment of the political situation in Mexico found that because so much of the country is corrupt and controlled by violent cartels, it is close to becoming a failed narco-state.

And if that happens, the number of migrants rushing our borders will increase by factors of thousands, creating not just a national security emergency but a national security nightmare.

The president may ultimately have no other choice but to declare a national emergency and in doing so, federalize Guard forces in all states along the border. If he does and Newsom and Grisham try to intervene, they should be arrested for treason.

Read more about how Democrats are pushing our country closer to civil war at

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