Sunday, May 05th, 2024

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New York City Mayor Confirms What We Already Knew: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an Idiot

New York City Mayor Confirms What We Already Knew: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an Idiot

Last week Democrat representative and media darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez applauded the fact that Amazon pulled out of their deal to locate a major headquarters in New York. The deal would have created 25,000 jobs and brought billions in much needed tax revenue to the State.

According to Ocasio-Cortez, who graduated with a degree in economics, the $3 billion in tax incentives promised to Amazon was better spent on teachers, firefighters and social programs.

What Ocasio-Cortez apparently did not understand about the deal is that New York didn’t actually have $3 billion to spend, because the money in question was a tax incentive that was to be “given” to Amazon AFTER it had relocated, create the jobs and begun operating in the area.

Here’s the video of AOC explaining her thinking – if we can call it that.

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And while the media and AOC supporters attacked anyone who dared point out that the $3 billion doesn’t actually exist in the coffers of New York’s Treasury, even fellow Democrats are trying to distance themselves from the mental train wreck known as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

During an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” de Blasio agreed when host Chuck Todd said that the tax breaks offered to Amazon weren’t “money you had over here. And it was going over there.”

“Correct,” de Blasio said.

He added: “And that $3 billion that would go back in tax incentives was only after we were getting the jobs and getting the revenue.”

To further drive home the point, Todd said, “There’s not $3 billion in money —”

“There’s no money — right,” de Blasio said.

The exchange came after Todd suggested there was a “factual divide” that kept Ocasio-Cortez (D-Bronx) from understanding “how this deal worked.”

Keep in mind that we’re being told that Ocasio-Cortez is a potential candidate for Vice President of the United States in the next election.

Courtesy of

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