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Egyptian woman issues warning to America: ‘Wake up’ or be destroyed from within by Islamic immigration

Egyptian woman issues warning to America: ‘Wake up’ or be destroyed from within by Islamic immigration

(Natural News) During past periods of mass immigration to the United States, native-born Americans often warned of dire consequences to our culture, traditions, and founding. They worried that too many immigrants would ‘water down’ American mores, values, and customs.

For the first 100 or so years of our existence, Congress did not place many restrictions on immigration. In those years, scores of migrants from Germany, Ireland, and even China streamed to America, VOA News reported.

Eventually, Congress placed restrictions on immigration and from about 1920 or so until the mid-1960s, America absorbed the wave of migrants who had mostly come from the “Old World” and they assimilated.

In recent years, however, migrants have increasingly come from other parts of the world where Islam is practiced. And, warns one Egyptian woman, they are bringing with them a culture, a religion, and values that so conflict with Western mores and traditions observed in the United States that she fears a major upheaval is coming.

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Writing under the pseudonym “Magda Borham,” she penned a letter recently to the U.S. and the West in general with a dire warning about an Islamic invasion under the guise of “immigration.”

“Nobody else in the world knows Islam and the mentality of Muslims more than those who have suffered by having Islam as part of their life,” Borham — who says she’s lived in Egypt for more than three decades — wrote.

“If you listen to the [Christian] Copts of Egypt, the Christians of Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan, and all the other Muslim countries, you will hear descriptions of the horrors of Islam,” Borham continued. “See and feel the tears of the minorities in every Islamic society. These tears will tell you the true stories of Islam. Hear the blood of the ex-Muslims pounding. It’s their blood that is shouting out every single second, asking the rest of the world to ‘Wake up!’” (Related: Facebook sides with radical Islam, bans gay magazine.)

Borham goes on to to say that most Americans don’t understand that Islam isn’t a religion so much as it’s an authoritarian political construct that does not comport with the individual liberties and freedoms recognized and protected by the U.S. Constitution. Indeed, she says, Islam is America’s biggest danger.

The Left as ‘useful idiots’ to radical Islam

She notes that as Egypt has transformed into an Islamic country, religious minorities like her have increasingly suffered.

“Like so many others, I have been burned by this transformation,” Borham writes. “This transformation has seen me witness and experience Islam turn my home country to ruins and its followers are now threatening to bring the same fate to your own country.

“Islam is a supremacist, racist, political and social ideology wrapped in a thin peel of religious rituals. It seeks domination and supremacy over all other systems and religions. Islam is worse than Nazism and fascist systems combined without any doubt,” she warned.

In fact, Hitler’s Nazi Germany courted Muslim governments during the early part of World War II and many of them sided with Hitler because they shared his hatred of the Jews.

Today, it should be noted that Christianity has been essentially eradicated from the Middle East even though that’s where it has its origins.

As for the U.S., Borham issued a dire warning — especially to the American Left.

“Muslims use your own democratic laws and values against you, and they do it successfully while you keep sleeping as if as in a deep coma. This is why the leftists are the people who are worthy of the title ‘useful idiots.’ They are in a perpetual state of shame and self-loathing and will be the first victims of Islam once it takes over,” she wrote.

“Leftists, liberals, progressives, Antifa, Code Pink and so on are all appeasers of Islam. Appeasing evil is cowardice. They are fooled people who feed crocodiles, hoping they will eat them last. They are the enemy within your countries,” she added.

Read more about how the Left’s social justice movement is abetting America’s enemies at

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