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LGBT Agenda: Canadian court rules that father cannot call his own mentally ill daughter a “girl”

LGBT Agenda: Canadian court rules that father cannot call his own mentally ill daughter a “girl”

(Natural News) Parental rights have all but completely been thrown out the window for our child-rearing neighbors to the north, who at the behest of the Supreme Court of British Columbia (B.C.) no longer have a say in whether or not their underage children decide to undergo “gender transition” surgeries and associated chemical “therapies” in futile attempts to become the opposite sex.

This disturbing new precedent was set by a 14-year-old girl whom the government is referring to as “Maxine” in order to keep her true identity a secret. The state basically decided that Maxine can legally try to become a “boy” by having her body parts and hormones altered, and her parents aren’t allowed to say a word about it without committing an act of “family violence,” according to B.C.’s so-called “Family Law Act.”

Despite the fact that Maxine is both underage and mentally ill – and the fact that her parents wholeheartedly object to Maxine’s wishes – the Canadian government has decided that she’s somehow fully capable of making the life-altering decision to surgically alter her physical appearance, as well as hormonally damage her God-given biology, all in the name of “tolerance” and “love.”

Even though the vast majority of people who decide to become “transgender” later regret the decision, the Canadian government thinks children whose brains haven’t even fully developed yet should be allowed to permanently damage themselves in this manner, overriding the will of these children’s parents in the process.

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“These activists are taking over, and it’s not in the interests of our kids,” Maxine’s father is quoted as saying about the LGBT mafia and its endless crusade to destroy the lives of as many people as possible. “It’s in the interests of self-promotion and the things that they want to do and accomplish.”

For more related news, be sure to check out

The Cult of LGBT wants to destroy your children

While Maxine’s father continues to fight this insane ruling, as it currently stands neither he nor his wife are even legally allowed to continue referring to Maxine as “she” or “her.” In fact, if they do, the courts will declare that Maxine’s parents are “abusing” her, and they could face prosecution.

“This Canadian court ruling officially declared dissent on transgender identity not only illegal but ‘family violence,’” writes Tyler O’Neil for PJ Media, warning that Americans need to actively fight this type of insanity here in the United States before it takes similar root here.

“If transgender activists succeed in the U.S., as it seems they have in Canada, using the correct pronouns for your own daughter could land you in jail,” O’Neil warns. “In June, I will become the father of a baby girl, so this hits home for me. Americans must defend parental rights, and so should Canadians. If this case is appealed, Canada’s Supreme Court should reverse the ruling.”

What it all comes down to, besides just the sanctity of parenthood being under assault by tyrannical governments, is the fact that simple free speech is clearly no longer regarded as an inalienable right. Parents are no longer free to speak, guide, or otherwise influence the lives of their children, at least in Canada, on matters relating to their biological identities – an Orwellian notion that bodes ominous for the next generation of human beings.

“In the meantime, parents everywhere should heed this warning – their right to speak the truth is under assault,” O’Neil says about the current situation. “If the government can redefine reality to the point that calling your own daughter a girl is considered violence, where is the check on government power?”

To keep up with the latest news on the LGBT mafia’s assault on humanity, be sure to check out

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