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Obama’s half-brother Malik asks if Michelle Obama is really a man

Obama’s half-brother Malik asks if Michelle Obama is really a man

This post first appeared at Fellowship of the Minds

Malik Obama is Barack Obama’s older half-brother. The two share the same biological father, Kenyan Barack Obama Sr.; Malik’s mother was Obama Sr.’s first wife, Kezia.

Born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya, Malik met Barack for the first time in 1985. The brothers were best men at each other’s weddings. Barack brought Michelle to Kenya three years later, and they met with Malik again while meeting many other relatives for the first time.

Although Malik lives in the Obamas’ ancestral home in Nairobi, he is a frequent visitor to the United States, and a consultant in Washington, D.C., for several months each year. Malik has dual citizenship in Kenya and the United States. In the 2016 presidential election, Malik was vocal in his support of Donald Trump, and attended the third presidential debate as one of Trump’s guests.

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Given who he is, it is noteworthy that Malik Obama is publicly questioning whether former First Lady Michelle Obama is actually a man.

On March 14, 2019, Malik Obama tweeted a 3-word question: “Is Michelle Michael?

Regular readers of FOTM already know the answer to that question because we’ve seen with our own eyes Mooch’s “package” swinging in its pants while dancing on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, which was aired on CBS on March 16, 2015.

And then there’s Mooch’s package again swinging in his white camisole jumpsuit as he bounces down the stairs of daughter Malia’s Harvard University dorm on August 22, 2017. See “Michelle Obama is a man: See the junk moving in his pants“.

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