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What would America be like without Julian Assange?

What would America be like without Julian Assange?

Ever wonder what a Hillary presidency would have been like?

If it weren’t for Julian Assange we might be living that nightmare right now. Arguably, no one was more responsible for taking the democrats down before the 2016 elections.

Did Assange break the law?

I am no attorney but I would say he very well might have. Even if he did not, the deep state will make sure they can prove that he did. That is the reality of the world we live in.

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Is it a crime to stand for the people against the government? Unfortunately it can be.

It is a crime against the state but a heroic act in the eyes of the people.

This man is a hero to many conservative Americans.

Much like Robinhood. he is a “criminal of the people.”

Assange handed the presidency to Donald Trump on a silver platter. Trump now claims to not know anything about Assange and WikiLeaks. It’s not his deal.

Trump detractors would be quick to say he is turning on his base. His supporters might point out that he has to deny knowledge of Assange BECAUSE A DEEP STATE SET UP IS IN PLAY.

Regardless of his reasoning, Trump knows exactly who Assange is and how instrumental he was in his victory. President Donald Trump is not stupid, nor is he oblivious to the help he had in 2016.

What if Americans had never seen those Podesta/DNC emails?

We might have not only lost the presidency, but also congress in 2016.

Things would certainly be different. Conservatism would be on life support and socialism would be in full momentum.

In 2016 Newsweek printed 2 “post-presdential election” editions, as would be seemingly be the norm. They simply wanted to be the first to get the information out, so the issues were pre-printed and ready to go. They were betting heavily on Hillary to be the victor.

If it weren’t for Julian Assange, the below edition may be collecting dust in American homes rather than collecting termites at the landfill.

Think long and hard about the implications of that.

Julian Assange may have saved America.


Recalled ‘Madam President’ Newsweek Magazine Leaked Online

by Chris Menahan, November 20, 2016


Someone leaked a full copy of Newsweek’s recalled “Madam President” magazine — it’s hilarious.

Newsweek licensee Topix Media, who created the magazine, said 125,000 copies with Hillary Clinton on the cover were printed and shipped, though only 17 were actually sold.

Here’s some shots from inside:

What a perfect example of “fake news.”

Every lying media narrative wrapped in a bow before the outcome had even been determined.

Check out the full magazine on imgur courtesy of moochie228 on r/The_Donald.

Courtesy of Information Liberation

### end of Menahan article ###


Julian Assange is a hero to the American people.

It remains to be seen if President Trump will do what’s right and get in the middle of this, or simply hide behind denials in the interest of self-preservation. The deep state will push him to do exactly that.

The people are demanding a pardon. Will Trump ultimately ignore the people and the man who most helped elect him?

Dean Garrison is the Publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry.

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