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Who Is Elijah Cummings?

Who Is Elijah Cummings?

Does anyone know anything about Elijah Cummings’ background? Maybe you should since it is a very dark background that just does not align with the basics of our Constitution as it is written. However, Cummings, like many of his supporters and Socialist/Democrat friends, seem to want to change the Constitution so they can make more favorable to them.

Let us begin to show you wh the man who now sits as the chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee really is.

What is the purpose of the committee?

The Committee on Oversight and Reform is the main investigative committee in the U.S. House of Representatives. It has authority to investigate the subjects within the Committee’s legislative jurisdiction, as well as “any matter” within the jurisdiction of the other standing House Committees.

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With that in mind, one has to question just what is Cummings doing asking questions dealing with freedom of the press? In part of the article below, it becomes clear that Cummings wants to determine just what a “free” press can and cannot do. This is not freedom of the press, it is control of the press by the Democratic Party of items it does not like or wants to use against someone. Just read it.

“House Committee on Oversight and Reform chair Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) wrote to former Fox News reporter Diana Falzone last month demanding that she turn over any documents relating to Trump’s alleged extramarital affairs.

An article in the New Yorker last month alleged that Fox News executive Ken LaCorte spiked the story to protect Trump — a claim LaCorte has vehemently denied, saying the story lacked corroborating evidence and that the network was merely practicing responsible journalism, as were other outlets who declined the story.

That article seems to have motivated Cummings’s letter — a letter that not only seeks personal dirt on the president, but seeks information that might be used to review Fox News’ editorial decisions. The committee’s letter suggests that Fox News may have violated campaign finance rules if it tried to help Trump by suppressing the Daniels story.

Falzone has said she will cooperate with the committee, despite an agreementwith Fox that prevents her from speaking about the story. In an op-ed at Mediaite, LaCorte says he supports Falzone’s desire to talk about the story publicly, but that he will refuse to cooperate with the committee’s effort to exercise oversight over the free press.

Falzone has said she will cooperate with the committee, despite an agreementwith Fox that prevents her from speaking about the story. In an op-ed at Mediaite, LaCorte says he supports Falzone’s desire to talk about the story publicly, but that he will refuse to cooperate with the committee’s effort to exercise oversight over the free press.

LaCorte writes:

Falzone’s lawyer announced that she would comply with the committee. I won’t.

If House Oversight can launch an investigation based on the ridiculous notion that publishing, or even more bizarrely not publishing, a story can be construed as an in-kind campaign contribution, then no journalist in America is safe from government intimidation. It’s a vast overreach of power, and I won’t have any part of it.

To be clear, I fully support Fox News lifting Falzone’s non-disclosure agreement so that she can make her case publicly, without leaks or lawyers. But neither editorial decisions nor joke writing should be a subject of government approval.” Source

Is it my mistake or does this look like our government making a determination of what “We The People” can or cannot read or see?

Take a look at Elijah Cummings background and you will wonder how such an individual obtained the position he is in.

Let’s start this off with some deep insights into Cummings’ history.

“On April 16, 1996, he won a special election for the U.S. House of Representatives seat that became vacant when Rep. Kweisi Mfume resigned from Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in order to take a job as president of the NAACP. Cummings has held that seat ever since. He is a member of both the Congressional Black Caucus (which he once chaired) and the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and was formerly a member of the Out of Iraq Congressional Caucus. To maximize the effectiveness of his re-election campaigns and political intiatives, Cummings has used the services of Robert Creamer‘s Strategic Consulting Group.” Source

It seems like Cummings was given his position, but look at what he belongs to and that will define what he really is. Right off the bat, we see he was a member of the “Congressional Black Caucus” and the “Congressional Progressive Caucus,” just these two groups to which he belongs or belonged should raise serious questions about his allegiance to the Constitution. Just what are both of these groups?

Let us look at them.

“The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) is an organization of black congressional representatives. While it is officially “nonpartisan,” the CBC since its founding has functioned as part of the left wing of the Democratic Party.

The CBC was established in January 1969. Its founders were Representatives John Conyers and Charles Diggs of Michigan, Ron Dellums and Gus Hawkins of California, Charles Rangel and Shirley Chisholm of New York, Louis Stokes of Ohio, Ralph Metcalf and George Collins of Illinois, Parren Mitchell of Maryland, Robert Nix of Pennsylvania, William Clay of Missouri, and Delegate from the District of Columbia Walter Fauntroy.

Until 1994, when voters returned a Republican House of Representatives, the CBC had been defined as an “official office of Congress” and as such was provided its own offices, staff and lavish budget. The CBC now claims as its address the office of whichever member is serving as Chairman. CBC funding flows largely through the tax-exempt Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. and is used to fundconferences, parties and other activities to benefit caucus Democratic leaders and their families. Membership in the CBC is accorded automatically to any African-American elected to the House of Representatives, unless that member refuses membership. As of April 2006, the CBC consisted of 5 officers and 38 additional members. All 43 were Democrats, and 22 of them were also members of the radical Progressive Caucus in the House of Representatives.”

Just looking at this shows us that the CBC is part of the “left wing” of the Democratic Party and today, that goes directly away from our Constitution and straight toward Socialism. In nearly every link above, it will show a link directly or indirectly to a Socialist/Communist organization that wishes to destroy the Constitution and our way of life, and Elijah Cummings is deeply involved in those groups, as will be shown a little later.

Just what is the “Progressive Caucus”? Read the brief excerpt below.

“The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders, a self-identified socialist who had recently been elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Sanders’ CPC co-founders included House members Ron Dellums, Lane Evans, Thomas Andrews, Peter DeFazio, and Maxine Waters. The Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) was also involved in CPC’s founding and in Caucus activities thereafter; IPS continues to advise CPC on various matters to this day.

Another key player in establishing CPC was the Democratic Socialists of America(DSA), which has maintained a close alliance with the Caucus ever since. In 1997, DSA’s political director, Chris Riddiough, organized a meeting with CPC leaders to discuss how the two groups might be able to “unite our forces on a common agenda.” Among those who participated in the meeting were Bernie Sanders, labor leader Richard Trumka, professor Noam Chomsky, feminist Patricia Ireland, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Senator Paul Wellstone, journalist William Greider, and the socialist author Barbara Ehrenreich.

Beginning in 1997, CPC worked closely with the newly launched “Progressive Challenge, a coalition of more than 100 leftist organizations that sought to unite their activities and objectives under a “multi-issue progressive agenda.” To view a list of many of the major groups that co-sponsored the Progressive Challenge, click here.” Source

The first lines clearly show the direct link to the extreme Socialist, Bernie Sanders. This also shows direct connections to other Socialists that are involved in what the CPC does to help bring about a more socialist government. That, my friends, does not include the famous words of our preamble to the Constitution, “In order to form a more perfect union.” We will never form a better union under a socialist rule, but both of these caucuses will love it if you think they will help do that while they actually destroy our freedom and Constitution during their run to a socialist state.

One can quickly see that the Congressional Progressive Caucus was established by the Democratic Socialists of America, a group which does not believe the Constitution is worth the paper it is written on. You should pay close attention to the 100 leftist organizations that aligned themselves with the CPC. The groups read like a who’s who of the Socialist/Communist agendas for the United States.

We see that Cummings is also associated with the Campaign for America’s Future and this is a group that, once again, wishes to bestow upon all citizens the ideology of socialism.

Just what is this organization?

“CAF was founded in 1996 by some 130 prominent progressives who were “alarmed by the rightward drift of American politics and the forces undermining the widely shared prosperity that is the foundation of our democracy.” Its principal co-founders were Robert Borosage and Roger Hickey, who have served as the organization’s co-directors ever-since. Among the other 128 individualswho also played a role in CAF’s creation were such notables as Mary Frances Berry, Julian Bond, Heather Booth, Robert Borosage, John Cavanagh, Richard Cloward, Peter Dreier, Barbara Ehrenreich, Betty Friedan, Todd Gitlin, Tom Hayden, Denis Hayes, Roger Hickey, Patricia Ireland, Jesse Jackson, Joseph Lowery, Frances Fox Piven, Robert Reich, Mark Ritchie, Arlie Schardt, Susan Shaer, Andrew Stern, John Sweeney, and Richard Trumka. At least 31 of the 130 people who helped establish CAF were confirmed members of the Democratic Socialists of America or of one of its two predecessors—the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee or the New American Movement. To view a list of all 130 CAF co-founders, click here.” Source

Once again, this shows the ties that Cummings has with both Communists and Socialists. The names shown above are like reading a list of Communists and Socialists that wish nothing more than to destroy our Constitution and way of life. Notice above, the New American Movement, an organization associated with Elijah Cummings and it has roots in both socialist and Communist groups. One has to wonder if our Congressional Democrats are either socialists or Communists!

“Established in 1971, the New American Movement (NAM) was a descendant of the Maoist branch of the New Left. Seeking to wed the Old Left with the New, NAM saw itself not as a political party per se, but rather as an “interim institution” whose socialist-feminist ideals would ultimately “unify working people and catalyze a large mass movement.” The organization’s leadership believed that capitalism was teetering on the brink of failure, and that America was thus on the verge of a socialist revolution. Consequently, NAM’s founders in 1971 felt that “the time was right … for a [socialist-feminist] mass membership organization … that would reach out to new sectors of the population untouched by the Sixties Left.” NAM generally sought to pursue its activism outside the realm of American electoral politics, for fear that immersion in that system would dampen the revolutionary imperative its members felt to radically transform society. The group’s approach was to strive initially to define its own politics with maximum clarity, and then to engage with existing political institutions at some later date.

The original concept of NAM germinated soon after the disintegration of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in 1969, when John Rossen — a former Communist Party USA district organizer and SDS office landlord — distributedpamphlets advocating the creation of a new revolutionary force rooted in Marxism and American nationalism. In January 1971, three former SDS members based in Seattle — Theirrie Evelyn Cook, Charles “Chip” Marshall, and Michael Lerner — took up Rossen’s theme and circulated papers announcing the birth of the New American Community Party. By the spring of 1971, this name had evolved into the “New American Movement.” Source

Why is it that Elijah Cummings seems to be so embroiled in the groups associated with both Communists and socialists? It makes one wonder how can people with such misaligned ideas be sitting at the top of such high posts knowing they really do not want the United States or the Constitution to succeed.

Elijah Cummings is but one of many who sit on some of the most powerful committees that are supposed to uphold our Constitution, but instead we have people like Elijah Cummings, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff and many others sitting at the head of committees with nothing more on their minds than to destroy our Constitution and our way of life.

Why did these people decide to go against our Constitution? Why do these people seek to “change” our nation into a Socialist/Communist ideology?

With these few words, we have shown that Elijah Cummings does not deserve to sit where he sits today with his association to so many different socialist and Communist groups wishing ill will to our great nation. How long will these imposters remain in their seats before “We The People” wake up and see that our nation is better off without these people seeking to destroy what we hold dear to us, our freedom?

If “We The People” do not wake up soon and get rid of all these socialists and Communists within our government, we will be like Cuba, Venezuela, China and all the other Communist/Socialist nations. Wake up or be slaves to the government.

Courtesy of Freedom Outpost

Leon Puissegur is a Disabled Vietnam Veteran with 3 children and 9 grandchildren. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for 43 years. He is an award winning author and has been writing opinion pieces over the years and in just the last few years has written 4 books and a large amount of articles on many sites. You can purchase his books at Amazon. Pick up his latest The Oil Man.

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